CAMS Competition license changes

Started by Neil Choi, August 31, 2012, 06:26:55 PM

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Neil Choi

Good news, CAMS has updated and changed some of the requirements on competition licenses.

It is now a bit more easy to step up to a circuit racing license.

GENERAL REGULATIONS OF CAMS – Licences Summary of Changes
The Australian Motor Racing Commission (AMRC) is continually reviewing regulations that impact Circuit Racing in Australia. The aim being to simplify and maintain regulations at an appropriate level to make it easier for CAMS members to enjoy their sport as safely as possible; whether they are competitors, officials or promoters.

As part of that process the AMRC has conducted a review of the Circuit Licensing system and this led to recommendations being put to the CAMS Board at their July meeting. These recommendations have been approved and will be notified by Bulletin.

In summary the changes are:
*   New Circuit Licence Applicant (for Provisional Clubman Circuit or Provisional Circuit): no Observed Licence Test (OLT) required if:

*   5 x CAMS sanctioned Supersprints or regularity events, or 2 x Tarmac rallies, have been completed in previous 2 years; or

*   have previously held a CAMS PCC/PC/PSK/NSK Licence in the preceding 4 years. If one of the above criterion is satisfied then only a Medical & Lecture will be required. If no prior experience is applicable then a full OLT will still be required.

*   Upgrade requirements (to Clubman Circuit or National Circuit): requirement reduced to completion of 3 x CAMS-sanctioned race meetings in 12 months, which can be completed at any venue.

*   International Observations: can now be undertaken at any CAMS-sanctioned race meeting to allow applicants to upgrade to an International Clubman Circuit Licence.

*   Transfer from AKA or Superkart Licence to CC/NC Licence: holders of an AKA Grade A or B can transition across to Clubman Circuit or National Circuit (no requirement for Provisional status).

*   Circuit Licence: if licence has lapsed it can be reissued at the same level as previously held (i.e. National licence can be reissued rather than reverting back to Provisional). Applicable if the applicant has held a CAMS circuit licence in the preceding 4 years & competed at 1 CAMS sanctioned race meeting in that time. Licence can be reinstated without OLT (if holder of National/International level licence), at full Clubman Circuit or National Circuit level).

*   Maintenance provisions: retaining your same level of licence is now easier, with maintenance requirements eased to now requiring completion of one CAMS race meeting in the past four (4) years (up from two (2) years). International maintenance has eased to two CAMS race meetings every 24 months (up from 12 months).

*   Junior Licences: all applicants wishing to upgrade licence levels are now able to successfully complete the required number of events at any venue.

*   Superkart Licences: No change to Superkart licences; this will be progressed as a separate review based on the changes approved for other circuit licences.

For the full details and regulations relating to these changes please refer to the CAMS website at:

Please note: These changes will be implemented on the 1st September 2012.