
Started by MattC, August 16, 2012, 07:14:03 PM

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Came home tonight to find a distressing sight.  Someone had keyed my 159 while at my wife's workplace - which meant deliberately coming into the premises.  Three panels scratched down to the metal.

Wife talking to cops now.  they're trying to say it was an accident - have suggested that perhaps they look at where it was parked, and ponder how walking past the back of the car, someone 'accidently' keyed the LHS.


That said, it wasn't a (road) accident and my wife isn't hurt, so I may be grumpy, but that is all.



Sorry to hear Matt, hope they catch the buggers. Whats a senseless act. My sprint was keyed very badly while the previous owner had it and has masked over since with some paint, kind of adds to the character now!
Alfasud Sprint, GTV 3.2 V6

Cool Jesus

Argh, what twats. I've never understood property damage in this manner. I imagine it sometimes when I get revved up by some idiot on the road, but could never just damage property. Especially if its something that is obviously cared for and looked after. Hopefully social darwinsism will catch up with the moron/s and they'll gouge the a car belonging to a bikie or something and get caught by the owner where summary justice will be sweet, sweet karma. We had a new Hyundai gauged across two side panels because some dick felt I took his parking spot, he was stopped 25 meters away when the car pulled out as I arrived. I never noticed him, the kids did, should have grabbed his plate just in case.
* '76 Alfetta GTAm 2.0 (project)
* '03 147 2.0 TS
*'12 159 Ti 1750 TBi
* '10 159 2.2 JTS
* '89 164 3.0
* '98 Spider 2.0 TS


Totally agree with social Darwinism on this one!!!   >:(

I also totally believe in Karma so that 'derro' will get his back. 8)  Maybe not straight away, but it will happen.

I don't have a super flash Alfa but I do love it just the same so I've kept my Getz entirely for the 'keying' reason.  It's worth its weight (whole 750kg) in gold (and it is yellow) for this purpose!