Calling all NSW citizens!

Started by Bellbird, September 16, 2012, 07:30:22 AM

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Hey New South Walians and maybe even ACTians!  Went to a club Driver Training Day at Eastern Creek yesterday - what a day!  We need to do more of this so if you are within cooee of "Sinny" it is soooooooo worth the effort. 

Instructors were brilliant, drivers were a sight to behold (clarification - their DRIVING skills) and also a huge thanks to volunteers and committee members who spent the day moving witches hats and holding green and yellow flags. Apparently, another one is planned so stay tuned! (Richard - am I acting as the unofficial social secretary here? ;D)


Oh, forgot!  There was a VERY nice looking and sounding 6.3 L Merc there!  Should have seen it go!  Woo hoo! ;D ;D ;D


Hope Goverment Officials and Road Safety Commitee People read this, but they are most likely deciding on a new range of speed camera's to improve road safety, a few years ago our commitee here in Victoria had a conversation with a Goverment Department, and when we said we did driver training at Winton Raceway, they said we were trying to turn drivers into race car drivers who would speed on the road....., the next event for Driver Training in Victoria is February 2013, being an Alfa club member actually improves your driving skills as well, Colin.
1974 VW Passat [ist car] 1984 Alfa 33TI [daily driver] 2002 Alfa 156 JTS [daily driver]

Cool Jesus

Trust the unfuns of committees to say such things. Isn't the whole notion of driver training to create safer road users or at least keep the trainee in one piece in the event of the unforeseen occurring and knowing how vehicle Physics can work for you. I was in a Sydney taxi recently, boy they could benefit from training. On a straight bit of road he would be jabbing the accelerator then jab the brake, off and on, off and on, felt like we were navigating around the wild seas. Professional drivers! Pig's ding!
* '76 Alfetta GTAm 2.0 (project)
* '03 147 2.0 TS
*'12 159 Ti 1750 TBi
* '10 159 2.2 JTS
* '89 164 3.0
* '98 Spider 2.0 TS