WANTED!!! Alfetta GTV6/GTV4 dashboard or contacts to re-skin or repair them!

Started by DomenicC1, September 15, 2012, 06:55:51 PM

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Hi there,
I'm fairly new to this forum! Can anyone help me? I wanting to buy a good condition Alfetta GTV6/GTV4 dash with no cracks (not the split type dash prior 83). I know I'm asking a lot but I know they still exist as I seen them before on line for sale and am now kicking myself I never purchased one and kept it for a rainy day. Well, it's now raining and I have recently purchased another Alfetta GTV after riding off my Alfa 75 a week after spending 1 year restoring it...shit happns!  >:(  Does anyone have or know who has a GTV dashboard for sale? Or where the best place to get one reskinned or repaired would be that you don't have to take a loan for?   My dash isn't that bad and could probably get away with repairing the minor cracks in it if that's even possible  ???

Current: 83 Alfetta GTV 2.0 (Red)

Past: 82 Alfetta GTV 2.0 (Red)
      : 87 Alfa 75 V6 2.5 (Silver)


    Hi, There are a couple of Dash Reskinners in Melbourne. Depending on the damage (cracks) to be  repaired before the reskin, be prepared for a $600---------$1000 bill. However, if you have the patience you can repair it yourself and, you can achieve a professional finish.I have repaired several over the years and the finished job has stood up to several seasons of hot and cold temperature variations.All neccessary products to effect repair are available locally.Rather than I trying to explain how to do it, read the thread on AlfaBB, It is fairly comprehensive and you shouldn't have a problem following the method.I have been thinking of starting a thread along these lines but need to put up a series of progressive working pics that I do not have at the moment.Perhaps if there is enough interest!! I could do just that. Cheers......Ian


Hi Ian,
Thanks for taking the time to reply...I'll check it out!
Current: 83 Alfetta GTV 2.0 (Red)

Past: 82 Alfetta GTV 2.0 (Red)
      : 87 Alfa 75 V6 2.5 (Silver)


Hi Ian,

Would you consider repairing the dash? How much would you charge?

00 156 V6 Monza
11 Mito Sport - Gone
79 Alfetta GTV - Gone
76 Alfetta GT - Gone


 Hi, I think this subject should be in Technical but I will answer briefly here and incur the wrath of Mr Moderator. The DIY Dash Repair as I have suggested is for the adventurous owner to attempt.It is VERY labour intensive and time consuming to perform to achieve an acceptable result therefore only for those that want to save a quid and can say...."I did it myself" If you DIY and it stuffs up! Guess who has to do the Warranty claim!!...... Cheers


Thank you for all the responses! I'm glad you cleared that up and explained that it's not as easy as it sounds, cause I was scratching my head a bit! I don't intend to attempt it as I don't even have the faciilities to do the work nor have I ever seen how it is done so I am sure I would stuff it up.
I'm putting a fair bit of work and money into my GTV as I'm sure everyone on this site does and i would hate to spoil the entire interior because of a shit job I had done on the dash t save a few dollars. although fair to say it would be a little more than a few dollars I could save if i knew what to do!
So I will continue to look at having my repaired and happy to pay a fair price to have it fixed!
Cheers again...I love how helpful everyonr is on this site!
Current: 83 Alfetta GTV 2.0 (Red)

Past: 82 Alfetta GTV 2.0 (Red)
      : 87 Alfa 75 V6 2.5 (Silver)