Back in the fold after 20 long years

Started by geeman1963, October 29, 2012, 06:56:11 PM

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G'day All

Let me introduce myself by telling you a little Alfa tale...  indulge me with a read if you feel like it  :)

20 years ago in mid winter I drove my immaculate 1967 Giulia Sprint GT Veloce (white with tan interior) from my then home in Ocean Grove up to the 'Smoke for it's delivery to Japan for export. 
I purchased this car for a grand as a rolling shell and many boxes of bits,  two years prior, and largely restored it myself with the help of some very skilled tradesman and craftsmen. PACE had expertly massaged the engine -  it was a sweet revving lusty little device.
A gorgeous car.......   but no one local wanted to buy it a my price

I'd lost a job and needed money to fund my next venture-  a garden and landscaping business.
I bloody well cried on that drive,  it was my pride and joy-   but it was the right decision to unload the Alfa.
It was probably good it went OS too-  as in hindsight I'd used far too much filler to get the original curve spot on in the lower front panel.
I'm glad I wasn't known to the new owners when that ultimately fell out.....

I'd also owned a slightly rickety 1970 Giulia 1300ti and a quick but raggedy 1969 1750 Coupe  around those times.  The former ended up going to an ex girlfriend,  and running a 2litre motor.  The coupe had the same already.
Fun machines. 

Anywho-  20 years have passed and the itch never went away.  So after about 18 months of research and looking at prospective cars online an awful lot (Alfa porn!),  and testing quite a few along the way,  I landed my latest incarnation of Alfa delight.
A 1999 GTV V6.    Sargasso Green with Tan Leather interior in excellent knick and with very reasonable km's and price.

To cut a long story short-  it's made an now older and slightly wiser Alfa lover very happy.
Its had it's Spoiler removed-  crikey i'm not 25 - and it's rapid and just gorgeous.
Anybody need a spoiler?

Inevitably it's now begun the slow process of draining my bank account -  I recently managed to break the nose panel underside on a kerb.  Crikey they are low!
Maybe that's poetic justice for the excessive bog job on the 105's beak...
My panel beater also managed to break my gear selector by ham fisted-ly trying to select reverse.  Oh dear...

Ahh the joys,  but I'm preaching to the converted aren't I?

Anyway,  G'day!    :D


All manner of day to day concerns and frustrations can be washed away with a wee spin in the GTV V6...... until of course it breaks!

Evan Bottcher

Newest to oldest:
'13 Alfa Mito QV
'77 Alfasud Ti
'74 Alfasud Sedan
'68 1750 GTV
--> Slow and Fun - my Alfa journal


Thanks very much.

Special mention must go to my late mother, whose lovely red 1977 Alfetta 1.8 was my L plater car in 1980.  One drive to Midura with me doing 140kmh most of the way on my L's - highly memorable,  but also not to be condoned!   The Olds must have either wanted to really get there,  or basically didn't notice my speed....... very smooth high speed cruiser the Alfetta.
Not to mention the very high speed run in an Alfetta GTV with Mum's mechanic at the tiller,  also not to be condoned.....

And,  my form 5 English teacher (now Melbourne's Lord Mayor) used to take me to school swimming training in his fantastic 1972 105 series 2000 GTV from time to time.  A great car that made a lasting impression.

The dye was cast early........

All manner of day to day concerns and frustrations can be washed away with a wee spin in the GTV V6...... until of course it breaks!


Indeed - welcome back to the world of AR!
'66 Veloce Grigio Grafit
'58 Touring Spider 2000


Welcome back.... :)

If you ask Anthony Sharp nicely maybe he'll let you have hyoputr origonal club membership number as well!
14 Alfa's since 1977. 
Currently 1973 GTV 2000, 2020 911 C2S MT, 2021 Mercedes GLE350, 2023 Polestar 2 LRDM
Gone......far too many to list