156 Odometer wound back???

Started by Marksalfa156, October 21, 2012, 04:48:10 PM

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Hi guys. Just wonder if anyone knows how hard it is to reset the odometer on a facelift 2003 156?
No, I'm not wanting advice on how to do it, ha ha. Just am interested in knowing if a car I'm looking at is likely to be genuine miles at around 56ks? No original log books!! Any ideas?
Never Quit!!


I did hear of a Alfa club member putting a deposit on a 156 JTS, and then backing out as he found out the speedo had been wound back, look for service records, oil change every 6 months, cam belt at 3 years, if no record, walk away, i am sure someone out there has worked out how to reprogram the numbers on the odometer, could be genuine, but with no log books....., unless it is really cheap, Colin.
1974 VW Passat [ist car] 1984 Alfa 33TI [daily driver] 2002 Alfa 156 JTS [daily driver]

Cool Jesus

Have you done what used to be called a REVS check? I think its called something like personal properties security search or something like that now, I bet you'll find it was an economic write-off. NSW RTA have a vehicle check for just a couple of bucks that will indicate any adverse history. I guess you could replace the instrument gauge off a low milage vehicle (if that's how its done?). Lots of questions will point out any deception by the seller. Check the wear areas as best you can, see if they'd be OK with a vehicle inspection. There's outfits that will go to the car. How worn are the keys? Look at the less obvious, more overlooked items that will show up a shonky deal. I guess you really need to be comfortable and follow your gut. I put a lot of faith in 'if its to good to be true'.

Is it a private or dealer sale?

* '76 Alfetta GTAm 2.0 (project)
* '03 147 2.0 TS
*'12 159 Ti 1750 TBi
* '10 159 2.2 JTS
* '89 164 3.0
* '98 Spider 2.0 TS


How did we get to economic write-off just because it has low mileage ??

As others have said, the easist way to qualify mileage would be with documented maintainence and services records, does it have any.  If it doesn't, why not ?? Significant bargaining point if no proof of maintenance exists (cambelt risk etc).

Otherwise, as said look to the condition and for appropriate wear (pedal rubbers, leather etc, stone chips. etc).

From memory the actual mileage of the vehicle can be pulled via the ECU,  do a search on the uk AlfaOwner forum. Lots of info on their about speedo replacement and how to read the ECU(s) for more than just error codes etc.
'66 Duetto (lacework of doom)
'73 1600 GT Junior (ensconced)
'03 156 1.9JTD Sportwagon (daily driver)

Cool Jesus

Craig, in ten years it has averaged 5600 kms/year and Oh, sorry mate I have no service log books, but I have maintained and serviced it properly, cross my heart. Service receipts, sorry mate I didn't keep those, saw no need? It drives great though.

I'm not saying it is, just its a possibility after an accident to have been written off a few years after being on the road, say soon after the 50k mark, and then repaired and reregistered just before the recent write-off amendments came into play (which made it more difficult to reregister write-offs). On this note, you'd be more concerned if it was noted as water damage?

It doesn't take much, I've seen forum members selling their pride and joy with what to me looked like a minor rear ender or side swipe ??? I'm not talking of a complete write-off (unrepairable), its what the insurance companies determine to be an economic write-off. That is, with the legislated formula, its cheaper for them to payout rather than repair the damage. Its how I got my Spider, GTV series spiders were prone to economic write-off with very minor damage due to repair costs. I did my homework on the history, gave it a good once over and took a gamble. I think its paid off in spades, it helped that the previous owner knew nothing about Alfas nor did his country NSW mechanic who was charging him like a wounded bull, and giving him a story of woe for future repairs. I was also promised that recent service receipts would be mailed to me, yeah thats not going to happen.

As you said Craig, its a very good bargaining position which no doubt has been anticipate with a low asking price. But Mark has mentioned that there are no service records. Actually, are we talking about a possible purchase? Mark, we've assumed your looking at a purchase yes?

Anyhow as an example, my panel beater mate has an Audi S5 convertable in his shop which was side swiped, nothing structural, looks to be mainly RR panels and the soft top roof (I could be wrong though, it was just a curious look), insurance has WO'd the car for $62k. Car is now only good for parts with the new laws??? what a waste.

So Mark, just do your homework on the car, get all identifiers for it, hit the motor authorities for where it was registered and see what history comes up. Ask lots of Q's where, when, why etc. Make yourself a list of things to check when you do an inspection and tick them off, otherwise you won't do it. As everyone is saying, inspect, inpsect, inspect. If still not comfortable, walk away, its just a mystery bag waiting to bite you.
* '76 Alfetta GTAm 2.0 (project)
* '03 147 2.0 TS
*'12 159 Ti 1750 TBi
* '10 159 2.2 JTS
* '89 164 3.0
* '98 Spider 2.0 TS


Thanks Craig and CJ. yes I am looking to purchase it and have just now completed a revs check and also got hold of a chap in the RTA and he confirmed all is good as far as any previous accidents go. Couldn't tell me anything about the odometer readings from subsequent annual inspections.....apparently that is not recorded or not accessible.
So after that all checked out, I contacted the seller and he kindly put me in touch with the previous owner who I had a long chat with.
From all accounts, the k's are ridgey didge, as this elderly gent purchased it without the log books himself from a dealer around 12 months back and he had been told the original owner had used it very little and it had been garaged a lot of the time. I know there's no proof of any of that, and where the original books went, who knows. Anyway, this gent went ahead and bought a new set of log books and got a major $2,500 service done at indicated 50k's so the log books that come with the car shows nothing prior to that. This man also went through the revs check before he bought it 12 months back for around 12k.
Speaking to this fellow, I have no doubt he is at least certain the k's are right.
As I said, I haven't seen it as it is in Sydney and I'm in Adelaide, so I guess if I want it then it's a flight and a look over. The dealer seems straight up and was happy to oblige in passing on previous owners contact. So I'm hoping for the best. I'll look carefully at the tell tale wear areas and see if it appears a genuine low k car. I'm certainly no mechanic but I've been around cars heaps and have had several Europeans as well as heaps of ausies. I feel pretty confident that I can recognize a low k car unless it's been seriously doctored.
But another issue has arisen. The seller advised me that there was only one key, and I thought...ok so I'll just get another. I did ask the previous owner and he only ever had the one key as well. Problem is, it's the valet key with no remote. So I've been trying to find out through this forum and others what my options are. And not having original books, there's probably no key codes with the car either. Anyone know what I can do to get a remote fob and keys cut to suit?
As I think I mentioned in my previous post, I have a spare fob and secondhand key coming from uk but I'm not sure now if thtas going to help. I'll start another thread on this in case someone not watching this topic might have a heads up.
I'll keep you all posted........
Never Quit!!

Cool Jesus

Damn, that certainly sounds promising. Only one key is a red flag normally though. If its all OK with the registering authorities, don't fuss too much with keys. I've been researching a little as I have a similar situation with my Spider key. You can always install an aftermarket alarm and central lock system to get the same functionality.

Its not at a dealer in the Rockdale area? I'd be happy to have a tyre kick for you if you like? PM me.
* '76 Alfetta GTAm 2.0 (project)
* '03 147 2.0 TS
*'12 159 Ti 1750 TBi
* '10 159 2.2 JTS
* '89 164 3.0
* '98 Spider 2.0 TS