I am wanting to buy an Alfa Romeo but I only have a budget of $10,000.
It seems my options are either a Selespeed 156 or a Alfa Romeo 166.
Which would be better? And what should I expect to have to replace?
I have read that Selespeeds are notorious for having gearbox problems, what advice can you give me?
Hi Chris, when I asked a similar question to my trusted alfa specialist , it was suggested that I look for an '03 onwards 156 V6 as they present with the least amount of issues compared to others in the 156 range. I have seen many in your price range, mostly(all infact) 4sp auto, older cars(Monzas) can be found under 10k but with 120-130k+ mileage. Earlier Models have less than average aircon which, by all reports, was greatly improved on the update models and IMHO the later models('03 onwards) look better with the longer shield and narrower headlights. Good luck hunting one down and don't forget to post a few pics when you do.
Thanks very much for the advice.
I would like to hear from anyone if they know anything about the Alfa Romeo 166 in comparison the later Alfa Romeo 156 Selespeeds.
As Anthony said, you want, at this age and price range, to steer clear of both the selespeed (especially) and the 4 cylinder (more debatable). All 166s are autos (not selespeed) and so are the V6 156s that are not manual. And, as you are considering the 166, it suggests you don't want a manual, so really, once you eliminate selespeeds you have elimiated 4s altogether (only came as manual or selespeed) and are looking at only V6s - none of which are selespeed.
What it comes down to is that you can have a slightly smaller with less luxury (not that its lacking too much) car with a 2.5L V6 (the 156) or a slightly larger heavier more luxury version (the 166) with the 3L version of what is, fundamentally, the same V6 motor. Which you chose would be down to personal taste/preference and of course the actual condition of the actual car you are looking at. I would suggest you don't rule either model out.
The reasons for suggesting that you avoid the 4 are that while it isn't a bad engine, it is a modern (meaning disposable) engine design with a *lot* of fancy low emissions technology thrown at it. This means as they get old you get a lot of annoying and hard to isolate and resolve issues around the injection/ignition/o2 sensors/cats. The reasons to avoid the selespeed are simply that it isn't a great auto gearbox and it isn't a great manual either, it somehow combines the worst of both (imho).
There is no comparison between the selespeed 4 cylinder 156 and the 166. You can easily prove that by taking one of each for a spin...
What you do need to do with any of these is to make sure the routine maintenance has actually been done - especially timing belt. And that means done to the age schedule (every 3 years), not the km schedule. If not, allow a couple of k (get a quote) to get it done *immediately*.
Oh - the 166 also has a cunning feature where the heater can start to leak (not unusual in any car) but when it does it leaks onto an expensive piece of electronics (transmission ECU)... Check for leaks... I'm sure a WA member can suggest a reputable workshop to get any car you are seriously considering checked over for the "usual issues" before you buy.
why not a 147, gtv or spider, you can get all for under $10 000. I 2lt manual 156 is a nice car to drive, and the 156 look a million times better than 166's
I assume that _Chris wants an auto judging by the request:
Quoteanything about the Alfa Romeo 166 in comparison the later Alfa Romeo 156 Selespeeds.
If this is correct, Chris, go for a 156 v6 auto, they are good value for money and reasonably robust. Get one with the lowest kms and with service evidence of timing belt change and the metal water pump impeller replacement.
Also, importantly, you mention $10,000 figure for the purchase price but how much do you expect to spend on a post purchase service and repairs ?
Selespeed repairs could be up to $3k and the major issue with 166 is leaking heater over the computer management system under the dash - and that could be expensive too. These are additional big ticket items.
I think you have a handle on the usual wear and tear items.