I wanted to know if a RACV or RACQ comprehensive Car Inspections checks out whether or not Cambelt would require a change or its current life expectancy ?
Cambelt is an expensive affair with any European cars; In my case its an Alfa Romeo.
I did go through the website of RACV and RACQ but they do not mention it there.
anyone in here who can give me a fair bit of an idea around this ?
The car in Question is a VIC registered Alfa Romeo 159 JTD TI - 2009 - 58,000 Kms.
The owner advised me that he hasnt changed the cambelt till date and car has been sitting for over 6 months.
I would suggest getting an Alfa specialist check it out rather than RACV, one of the Vic sponsors ideally. Where is the car, if its in the Eastern 'burbs Monza Motors comes highly recommended, 03 9720 4442
Thanks for that mate...
Will ask for the details.
I usually used to goto Monza Motors in Bayswater.
THe only issue is I am now based in QLD and not there physically present to check the car out. So have to rely on whatever the Mechanics say to me and/or even more trustworthy the RACV inspection Test .
I would rely and trust what Monza Motor tells you (well worth the inspection fee), do not rely on a RACV report unless it is a comfordmodorolla and if you only want to hear that it has shiny paint and RWC tyres.
Trust what I and Alfagtv58 advice.
Will do that then.
Thanks for the advice.
Respectfully, do not understand why people use generic RACV style ibnspections.
An oversight can cost you thousands. Just go to the most convenient Alfa specialist and gwet the right information on what needs to be done and this can be used to negotiate the price.
The belt needs changing at 110,000 or 5 years - someone will verify that.
These are a few specialist in Qld and when I purchased a car there, the vendor took it to their alfa service centre who checked it over (no cost to club members) and I flew up, purchased it and drove home.
What you say and suggest is spot on.
I choose RACV only for 1 pure reason and thats a proper copy of condition of car report. and this will be only satisfy me if I am thinking to get the car shipped from Vic to Brisbane.
On the other hand, who are the Alfa service centres in Brisbane who can do a free comprehensive tests for me.
I am new to Brisbane and just move in here couple of months back so dunno much in here.
thanks and regards,
I used Alfamotive who knew the car and were more than happy to check it over and give me a verbal report. This was a good fit to the situation I was in. Yours may be different. It was free as I was a AROCA member. For a comprehensive test, I would expect some fee. It is sort of 'purchase insurance' as far as I am concerned.
They pointed out what was done and what needed to be done etc so i was satisfied.
So after a phone call, confirmation, another check over of the car I paid for it and drove it home to Melb.