Alfa Romeo Owners Club of Australia Forum

State Divisions => Victoria => Topic started by: John Hanslow on February 06, 2013, 05:40:22 PM

Title: Lygon Street Promotion and Club Brunch - Sunday 24th Feb.
Post by: John Hanslow on February 06, 2013, 05:40:22 PM
The Alfa Owners Car Club is holding a Display in Lygon Street Carlton. This includes car spaces for a vehicle display to support a Club promotion with membership and club merchandise on offer.

Where:   Tiamo Italian Restaurant and King and Godfrey licensed Grocery Store
      293 - 303 Lygon Street, Carlton.

Time:      Set up of vehicle display with cars on site by 8.00 am.
      Club Promotional Display and breakfast from 9.00 am
      Event concludes at 2.00pm
                          (cars must remain in display until 2.00pm)

All members are encouraged to attend and volunteers are needed to assist with membership, merchandise sales and with the vehicle display.   

The Club is planning a display of approximately 7 cars highlighting the various series.

Car Display enquiries:   Ron Loccisano  Mobile:  0418-565-700.

The committee looks forward to your support and members and their families are invited to join them for breakfast. 

Other features:

•   Display and sale of Club merchandise in lane way
•   Club information and membership desk
•   Information hand outs on Alfa history and Club objectives\.activities
•   Information hand outs on each Alfa display model's provenance, design/motor features with brief technical summary
•   Tiamo to offer 10% discount to Club members a discount on coffee ,food and drink purchases on the day

For all enquiries:

Peter Camm
Event Organizer

Supporters of the day are Tiamo Restaurant and King & Godfree
Title: Re: Lygon Street Promotion and Club Brunch - Sunday 24th Feb.
Post by: John Hanslow on February 11, 2013, 04:25:39 PM
Ron has suggested it would be great to have a 105 Series 1 Spider on show.

Anyone have one ?
Title: Re: Lygon Street Promotion and Club Brunch - Sunday 24th Feb.
Post by: John Hanslow on February 25, 2013, 08:25:18 AM
Big thanks to all the Club members and friends who assisted on the day.

Peter and Ron did a great job at organising a club promotion in Lygon St.  Special thank you to them.

This is a first for the club and a lot can be learnt and gained form such an activity.

Just based upon the quality vehicles, the enjoyment and social benefits, it was worth it.

Not surprisingly, the new Club Calendar was a good seller !
Title: Re: Lygon Street Promotion and Club Brunch - Sunday 24th Feb.
Post by: GeeTV on February 25, 2013, 12:15:14 PM
It didn't happen if there aren't pictures!?!?!   
Title: Re: Lygon Street Promotion and Club Brunch - Sunday 24th Feb.
Post by: John Hanslow on March 01, 2013, 12:50:55 PM
Some pics
Title: Re: Lygon Street Promotion and Club Brunch - Sunday 24th Feb.
Post by: GeeTV on March 01, 2013, 03:21:48 PM
OK, it sure did happen - Nice!!
Thanks for posting!
Would've certainly attended had I been in Melbourne - Great initiative - Well done!
Title: Re: Lygon Street Promotion and Club Brunch - Sunday 24th Feb.
Post by: John Hanslow on March 01, 2013, 04:51:44 PM