Alfa Romeo Owners Club of Australia Forum

State Divisions => Victoria => Topic started by: nickas88 on February 26, 2013, 06:45:49 PM

Title: Cheap Alfa servicing in Melbourne??????
Post by: nickas88 on February 26, 2013, 06:45:49 PM
Hi there,

I have just purchased my first Alfa (166, 2000 model) and would like to know where is the best place to get it serviced (+ cam belt) at the lowest price in Melbourne (inner suburbs / city preferable)?

I got a quote from Bennica Motors in Surrey Hills and they were an absolute rip off + the guy was incredibly rude
Also got one from Zagames Alfa in Richmond for a reasonable price ($450 for basic service) but was wondering if there was anything cheaper out there?

Title: Re: Cheap Alfa servicing in Melbourne??????
Post by: colcol on February 26, 2013, 09:37:22 PM
Use the service providers that the club members use, check the magazine, some of these workshops go back 40 years of supporting the club, Marranello Pursang Motors in Brunswick, Monza Motors in Bayswater and Mauceri Motors in Clayton, remember you pay for their experience of knowing the right way to fix your Alfa, if you want the cheapest, then try a franchised service place that services mainstream cars, Colin.
Title: Re: Cheap Alfa servicing in Melbourne??????
Post by: AGM155 on February 26, 2013, 09:40:17 PM
There's cheap and there's cheap: unfortunately you will always pay a premium for experience and knowledge of rarer cars. Shop around the experts such as those that advertise with the club to find the best price for required work, but trying to run a 166 on the cheap by skimping will, in my opinion, end up becoming a false economy when things are overlooked and problems manifest themselves. Personally, I use Lance Dixon Alfa in Doncaster, nobody else has worked on my car since it was new. I have found their pricing pretty reasonable too but in general 166s are not the cheapest cars to run and maintain.

By the way, welcome to 166 ownership, they are fantastic cars - there's still nothing I would replace mine with after more than 5 years of ownership.
Title: Re: Cheap Alfa servicing in Melbourne??????
Post by: Cool Jesus on February 27, 2013, 09:50:49 AM
$450 including cam belts ???
Title: Re: Cheap Alfa servicing in Melbourne??????
Post by: John Hanslow on February 27, 2013, 11:17:24 AM
You want to get it serviced by people who know the cars, the issues, what needs to be done and when.

So little point getting it a $200 service with the incorrect oil (it happens) or preventative maintenance undertaken.

There are the Alfa Romeo dealers and the Alfa Specialists which are value for money and quality alternatives.
Marranello Pursang Motors in Brunswick, Monza Motors in Bayswater and Mauceri Motors in Clayton,

Do not know if you had a pre purchase inspection (probably not by this post) but note for future reference that you want to get it fully checked out.

Other matters:
The V6 Serpentine belts are more expensive than the Twin Spark and there are issues with the heater core leakage.

The core leaks over the CPU and is costly to fix.  Maranello's have an aftermarket fix which is a plastic tray to deflect the fluid away from the electronic unit. 

Get the right advice, value servicing and enjoy you car.
Title: In Defence of Beninca's
Post by: aggie57 on February 27, 2013, 07:13:02 PM
Post #1 and you have a go at a company you have never dealt with before.  Yes, Beninca they can be expensive (very) and yes, they can come across as rude.  What they actually are is one of, if not the, most experienced Alfa service shops in the country.

I live 3 streets away, have known Joe and his family (including their late father) for nearly 30 years.  Like many others I have spent many hours up there working on cars, talking about cars, asking dumb questions and poking through their amazing projects and experiments.  You just need to how them that you are serious and actually interested in your car.  Passion I think they call it.

Like the others have said, take your car to one of the proven suppliers, pay the right amount of money and get the job done properly.  Or buy a Camry.

Title: Re: Cheap Alfa servicing in Melbourne??????
Post by: colcol on February 27, 2013, 08:54:41 PM
The 166 Heater core issues that John touched upon is just one thing you get with experience, if and when the heater core leaks, the coolant will ruin the computer and a replacment will be worth more than the car, so Marranello Pursang have a preventative fix, the V-6 cam belts require cam locks to be installed while the belts are replaced, does a franchised, 10 Camry's an hour service place know these 166 quirks?, i don't think so, you see these places have signs out the front saying, a service for $xyz, that wouldn't even pay for the correct oil for a 166 and they wouldn't know about the difficulties in removing a 166 oil filter, that old Alfa Romeo myth that they are always breaking down is due to the fact that some of them  are not serviced correctly, Colin.
Title: Re: Cheap Alfa servicing in Melbourne??????
Post by: Sportscar Nut on February 27, 2013, 09:54:00 PM
Fully agree with Alister's post that Beninca's are one of the most experienced Alfa service shops in the country. I have personally used for over 20 years and their knowledge, skill & experience can never be doubted (perhaps their marketing dept has let them down). Determining who services your car based purely on price is strongly advised against.

Previous posts have given you plenty of wise advice re servicing as 166's are technically advanced but do have flaws.  Will certainly cost more than a Japo car to maintain but will equally provide far more driving joy.

Good luck.

Title: Re: Cheap Alfa servicing in Melbourne??????
Post by: Alfamania on February 28, 2013, 01:53:58 PM
Hi guys,

I remember I had the same problem trying to find the best priced mechanic for my Alfa 75 3.0 V6. Because of this, I have just started my website called:   you can use it to get the cheapest quotes not just for mechanics but for pretty much everything else. The website is about to go live very soon! but in the meantime, you can use the temporary home page.  I really hope it can help you! Any questions, please dont hesitate to email me:   or call me on 0411 061 337 :) thanks guys


Title: Re: Cheap Alfa servicing in Melbourne??????
Post by: lombardi on March 01, 2013, 09:00:25 AM
ALFAMANIA, what a great idea,good work and make sure u keep us informed of your progress, will sydney be included ?
Title: Re: Cheap Alfa servicing in Melbourne??????
Post by: John Hanslow on March 01, 2013, 10:01:50 AM
Lets draw the line in the sand over 2 issues in the same thread:  Cheaper (lowest) priced servicing vs knowledge and correct (best) servicing.

Quotewould like to know where is the best place to get it serviced (+ cam belt) at the lowest price in Melbourne (inner suburbs / city preferable)?

My view and all Alfa follows:
1.   Dealers and Service Centres offer a service at a set price level.  Using factory diagnostic equipment plus electronic programme upgrades for newer cars.  This is most necessary for current models and older one too. eg. did you know that 156 and 166 cars  had factory upgrades to reprogram the computer for the auto gearbox for improved performance - the dealers do that with servicing.

2. there are several Alfa Specialists with diagnostic equipment for newer cars but they also are the preferable place to go for older cars where knowledge and experience is essential.  Essential for an Alfa V6 or Twin Spark.

3. Feedback on this forum is that new or old cars, local cheap alternatives do not get the result, incorrect oil etc.  You just stuff your car and waste your money.  What is the point of a $120 service without the right feedback, wrong oil etc and total lack of understanding of any Alfa service issue.

4. Some workshops also give a discount for club members.

My assumption is that Nickas88 has an eye for value, fine.  But you can not have champagne motoring on a beer budget.

But his car needs specialist attention, the right oil and preventative maintenance as any issue with the belt or leaking heater will cost a small fortune to fix if not correctly managed in advance. Those costs are extra to servicing and war and tear items.   A 166 is a lot a metal for its price but costly to maintain if major work is required.

With the timing belts, it's not just the belt but also bearings, with the TS a variator so a belt change can be $1200 easy for a 4cylinder and $2500 for a V6 - easy.

This is what I think ColCol was the message Colcol was emphasizing.
Quotethat old Alfa Romeo myth that they are always breaking down is due to the fact that some of them  are not serviced correctly

Alfamania, I just find the concept for best priced mechanic problematic in this situation.    Good effort and you deserve credit. Good idea but not for Nick. 

If it is for holdens and fords etc with routine servicing - thats fine but not for alfas as for even an oil change, the specification for oil is above average discount option.

Title: Re: Cheap Alfa servicing in Melbourne??????
Post by: Alfamania on March 01, 2013, 01:59:20 PM
Hi Guys,

I actually have an Italian car specialist workshop which will be subscribing to my website shortly. like I said before, he works on my Alfa 75. I wouldnt let anyone else that doesnt know Alfa's work on mine. If its just a service needed with a cam belt replacement for the 166 this place would probably be the cheapest. I have called around town for pricing and i think its fair to say that the majority of Alfa specialists are dreaming a little bit price wise especially if its only routine servicing. Eventually, i will have specialist workshops for every car maker. I hope this helps

Cheers Guys
Title: Re: Cheap Alfa servicing in Melbourne??????
Post by: Evan Bottcher on March 01, 2013, 08:19:45 PM
Interesting idea Alfamania.  Don't forget when your business gets going to support the Alfa club through sponsorship or advertising...
Title: Re: Cheap Alfa servicing in Melbourne??????
Post by: Alfamania on March 03, 2013, 02:04:31 PM
Thanks guys, I will keep you posted

Title: Re: Cheap Alfa servicing in Melbourne??????
Post by: Mick A on March 03, 2013, 03:18:25 PM
I'm thinking all this bargain hunting may actually be a good thing for the Alfa Specialist workshops, because once the cars have been butchered, where do you reckon they end up?

At the Alfa Specialist, with much more expensive problems to fix.
Title: Re: Cheap Alfa servicing in Melbourne??????
Post by: aggie57 on March 03, 2013, 05:48:27 PM
Quote from: Choderboy on March 03, 2013, 03:18:25 PM
I'm thinking all this bargain hunting may actually be a good thing for the Alfa Specialist workshops, because once the cars have been butchered, where do you reckon they end up?

At the Alfa Specialist, with much more expensive problems to fix.

Too true......many a story of Alfa owner woe is due to poor servicing by someone who has no bl..dy idea what they're doing....
Title: Re: Cheap Alfa servicing in Melbourne??????
Post by: Cool Jesus on March 11, 2013, 11:17:31 AM
Yep, cheap Alfa servicing? It really makes a difference to finding an Alfa with proper servicing history, or its owner having some idea of right and wrong. Here's what I found after giving my daughter's 147 a once over. Either previous owner was inept or was getting gouged by an indi mechanic, probably both? What's not visible is that two of the spark plug wells had their own supply of engine oil from a petrified and siliconed cam cover gasket ??? Still finding little niggles and patch ups from the previous owner, bonehead  >:(