Hi - thought I'd introduce myself. I'm Jason. I've had my '01 156 2.0 TS for a year now, and have spent the last month using the forum to find answers to it's numerous little problems (including a flashing sillyspeed light that stopped me from changing gears...). Long story short, it's been a pretty steep learning curve but it's all sorted now and the car's running better than ever.
So I guess this is more of a thanks than an intro, so thanks! Looking forward to getting to know you all.
Welcome Jason, i have a 2002 156 JTS, which has proved to be a reliable car due to it being looked after, the worst thing you can do is take it to a franchised service centre who service Camry's all day, get an Alfa Specialist to service it, have the Selespeed checked every year, put the correct oil in Fully Synthetic 10-40 oil of your choice, the Twin Spark likes a drink of oil, so check the level every week, have the cam belt done every 3 years or 50,000klms, not 4 years or 60,000 like it says in the owners manual, have the waterpump changed every 2nd cam belt change, and keep an eye on the thermostat, these engines eat thermostats, i am on to my 3rd, Welcome to the Forum, Colin.
Hi Col.
Yeah I've learnt the lesson about run-of-the-mill service centres - won't be happening again lol. Cheers for the tip about the belts - looks like I'm just about due in that case. It seems to be very decent with oil use so far so I'm pretty happy with that.
Just reading up on checking the thermostat now so I'll get onto that today but I don't think there'll be anything wrong.
Thanks again,
It should be about 90C after about 5 kilometres, and should stay there, not drop down to 70C on the freeway, it should not take forever to heat up, genuine and non genuine all fail, Colin.
welcome to the forum!