Alfa Romeo Owners Club of Australia Forum

Technical => 932 Series (156, GTV, Spider, 147, GT, and 166) => Topic started by: Garibaldi on March 20, 2013, 08:12:39 PM

Title: 147 Windows
Post by: Garibaldi on March 20, 2013, 08:12:39 PM
Hi Guys,

I hope you can help with this one.

I recently purchased a 2004 147 TS Manual and it has been a great car.

When I went outside this morning I noticed that all the windows were down. When I locked the car last night they were all up. 

Has this ever happened to any one? Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Title: Re: 147 Windows
Post by: colcol on March 20, 2013, 09:23:59 PM
Heard of this happening before, if i recall right the series 3 Alfa 156 and the facelifted 147 had a program that if you left your windows down, and then locked the car with your transponder key then, the windows went up, need to take it to an Alfa Service provider, to get them to have a look at the body computer, Colin.
Title: Re: 147 Windows
Post by: Cool Jesus on March 21, 2013, 09:00:42 AM
Huh, never come across this. Will have to check it out with mine. Seems there's an actual function to wind the windows down with the key fob? Didn't see this in the manual. Is it possible you had something pressing against the remote buttons as per the link below? (
Title: Re: 147 Windows
Post by: pep105 on March 21, 2013, 10:16:32 AM
Yes my 02 147 had this feature, pretty cool you held the lock or unlock button for 5-10 secs and the windows and sunroof would open and close respectively.

Very handy for hot days especially with a black car!

Back in early 2003 the 147 I test drove had it (early 2003 model) however the dealer informed me at the time that from mid 2003 this feature was to be discontinued along with the rubber grips on the seat slide adjustment and some other minor things as part of a cost cutting measure (potentially VA VE ?, but I reckon it's just cost cutting  :)))

So Cool Jesus yours might have it depending on when it was built. In response to the original post maybe what the Colin was saying or someones activatied the key, however as yours is an 2004 147 maybe not ? Transponder range isnt very far (youve got to be reasonably close to lock/unlock thr car) unlike Toyota's which will activate from the next suburb (well almost). Handy when your looking for that white evaluation Camry in the Toyota car park..........

Title: Re: 147 Windows
Post by: Garibaldi on March 21, 2013, 12:17:28 PM
Thanks for the suggestions guys.

I checked the owners manual and it did say that if you held down the unlock button button on the key the windows will open or close if you held down the lock button. I tried this and they did open but would not go back up when I held down the lock button. However I was able to close them with the switches in the car.

In regard to my original post I don't recall pushing any of the buttons after I had locked the car. Who knows it may have just been one of those one off things. It hasn't done it since.

I am having the car serviced next week, I will get them to check it out.
Title: Re: 147 Windows
Post by: colcol on March 24, 2013, 08:58:47 PM
Tried the trick on my Brothers 2001 147 twin works, hold top button for 5 seconds, windows go down, hold middle button for 5 seconds, windows go up, great if the car is hot, just wind windows down 5 minutes before you get in, Colin.
Title: Re: 147 Windows
Post by: Cool Jesus on March 29, 2013, 11:03:57 PM
Well my '03 147 does have this function of windows down and up, although the fronts do go down, they won't go up ??? Another job for the 'to do list'...
Its not exactly easy to find in the owner's manual to, had difficulty locating it, but it was in there stating if the buttons are held for 2 seconds the function activates. Nice feature in my opinion for a number of reasons (cool down, lock up), they should have kept it.
Title: Re: 147 Windows
Post by: Djadam on March 30, 2013, 07:43:12 PM
hi guys i have the 05 update and my windows and sunroof open with the remote but only sunroof will close. I was told it was to do with safety as someone has got theit hand stuck while it was going up.