The alternator in my 2005 147 GTA Monza just went, has anybody experienced this and have any ideas how much it will cost to repair/replace?
Any help or tips would be very much appreciated.
Hi Daniel,
Have a read of this thread, some comments about re-conditioning vs buying a new part from overseas:
Your approach may depending on how desperate you are to get moving again.
Good luck getting it sorted.
Much of the cost is removing/refitting the alternator. I understand the front suspension subframe needs removing for proper access, so that means hoist, wheels, probably lower wishbones, then subframe removal...then access the alternator!
I was left stranded in my GT after the voltage regulator failed. I decided not to wait for parts to arrive from overseas. It cost over $1K to have this fixed (replacing only the voltage regulator), and allow 2 days labour.
Thanks Guys, very much appreciated!