If you are looking for a road trip to go racing your Alfa, how about going up to Qld:
Message from Brent Hampstead (AROCA Qld president) (Brent Hampstead <bhampstead at live dot com dot au>
For the past five years AROCA Qld has held a racing/regularity/show and shine event called the Festival of Italian Motorsport and invited participation from the other Italian car clubs of Queensland. Last year we expanded the concept into the Italian Challenge Race Series, which had the Festival of Italian Motorsport as the final event of the four rounds.
With the series breaking even last year we've decided to go around again in 2014. Below are the dates and the rules. If you could pass them onto your racing fraternity we'd greatly appreciate it. You never know, a few Victorians may feel the urge to take a road trip. With Group SC not being part of Phillip Island next year, several of the Veloce Racing crew are instead planning a trip north to take part in our first round, at Qld Raceway. We expect to have a field of 20 plus for the first round.
The rules are quite loose and designed to be as inclusive as possible. Queensland Raceway and Lakeside are not CAMS tracks and operate under their own licencing and insurance schemes. Their weekend racing licences are only $60 and our entry fee will be $240 per race meeting. If any of your members would like any further info please ask them to contact our competition secretary, Mark Jackson (competition@arocaqld.com)
Brent Hampstead
AROCA QLD President
Round 1 - March 8th/9th at Queensland Raceway, Ipswich - Qualifying plus four 6 laps races on the Clubman circuit
Round 2 - May 18th at Lakeside Raceway, Dakabin - Qualifying plus three 6 laps races
Round 3 - August 23rd/24th at Queensland Raceway, Ipswich - Qualifying plus four 6 laps races on the Sprint circuit
Round 4 - September 20th/21st at Lakeside Raceway, Dakabin - Qualifying plus four 6 laps races (the Sunday of this final round will also double as the Festival of Italian Motorsport with either an open sprint or a regularity event being run in conjunction with the racing)
1. Italian marque cars and engines only.
2. There will be two classes - cars with slick tyres and cars with non slick tyres (AROCA members will not be eligible for Alfacomp points if running on slick tyres)
3. In the non slick category, maximum 9 inch rim width or as factory delivered
4. All else is free
5. Points in each class will be awarded on the following scale for each race in the series: 1st = 20pts, 2nd = 16pts, 3rd = 14pts, 4th = 12pts, 5th = 11pts, 6th = 10pts, 7 = 9pts, 8th = 8pts, 9th = 7pts, 10th = 6pts, 11th = 5pts, 12th = 4pts, 13th = 3pts, 14th = 2pts. All competitors from 15th onwards score 1pt.
6 Trophies will be awarded for first, second and third in each class and there will be perpetual trophies in each class