Hi all, got a 2001 147 Selespeed and it has just decided to not go into gear. No warnings of failure or anything through the usual warning system in the car.
This however, coincided with one of the paddles breaking. It came loose and about the same time the box would drop out of gear at the lights. By the time I got home the paddle broken off. I still managed to pop down the road for some milk the day after, however later on....nothing. Won't go into gear or anything. Thankfully it stopped in neutral so I can push it around.
So I thought "It's a contact point so maybe it caused the problem". Just replaced the paddles (lashed out and bought 2!) and.......no.
No go.
Engine starts up fine, just got a new battery 2 months ago.
Hi Andrew,
There could be a number of things causing your problem.
Firstly check the selespeed oil level and make sure that is ok.
Then open the drivers door and you should hear the selespeed pump running to pressurise the system.
It could also be the accumulator, the clutch calibration or a sensor.
My advice is to get the car to the nearest Specialised Alfa Service Provider that has the Factory Diagnostic Computer and get them to run a diagnostic and test the System.
Selespeed cars need to be re-calibrated about every 12 months to keep them at their best.
Hopefully this will steer you in the right direction.
If you are not sure about finding a Service Provider check with your local club or post a query on this forum.
Regards, Rob.