Regrettably for sale is my immaculate, FULLY OPTIONED eg sunroof, tinted windows and CLUTCHLESS MANUAL/AUTO GBOX 166 sedan. Sad Sad sale of a recently purchased long desired 166. Car has only covered a genuine 97,500km from new with FULL SERVICE HISTORY. It is under warranty until January 2009. It is ducoed in Dark Blue Metallic with very light creamy grey LEATHER interior. It was first delivered new in Sydney on 30th June 2001. It is likely to have been built in late 2000 but a 2001 MODEL YEAR and according to the log books never touched the road till june 2001. This is a very exciting car to drive and a true Italian Muscle car. buying it, so it must go. I paid 20 grand and see other examples for sale with fewer options and ugly colours for sale all the time well above this figure, but due to my sad personal predicament you may even get it cheaper if you want to buy it. It must go to an Alfa enthusiast. This is not your usual Alfa, it has NO RUST and NO MECHANICAL PROBLEMS. Inspection and enquiries most welcome to Edward on 0405 356 584.
What is the service history of the car. Does it have recorded regular services if so at what intervals - when was the timing belt done.
Who services the vehicle now.
Are the tyres in good order and when does rego expire. Are there any blemishes on the exterior paint work that you should mention.
Are all features in good working order ie., electrics, GPS etc.
The service history is by the NSW dealer and is completely in accordance with and recorded in Log book, the 166 does not have factory sat nav available for Australian purchasers according to the Prestige Formula Alfa dealership in Adelaide as apparently the factory did not make any Australian maps. There is an aftermarket VDO nav system that I do not know how to use so do not know if it works or not.
Rego expires Jan 2009, paint is excellent as is the interior, tyres, etc
Everything eg electrics, etc works superbly, after all it has only had around 6 years of use and cost $90, 000 6 or so years ago, perhaps to be fully appreciated this car should be more than $17k? after all a New York hooker cost the prosecutor more than that didn't she? And the thrill (of this car will) LAST A LOT LONGER..........................
Quote from: SA ALFA FAN on April 08, 2008, 11:06:16 AM
after all a New York hooker cost the prosecutor more than that didn't she? And the thrill (of this car will) LAST A LOT LONGER..........................
hehehe....good analogy ;D
Sounds like a great car you have.
Unfortunately on Top Gear (refer YouTube) refer to two issues with the 166, massive depreciation and the fact that the car is a 'work of art'.
A quick check in the sales sites on the internet has them from $12k plus .... in various conditions, kms & roadworthy.
Best of luck.
You are right John re depreciation, I paid $20 GRAND in JANUARY 2008 that is less than 4 months ago and not being especially modest I am happy to produce that receipt as I have retained it. HOWEVER as all us Alfa diehards know, finding a good one with nil problems is a VERY VERY rare thing, and yes you are right some 166's can be bought a bit cheaper BUT I saw some of these cars 'in the flesh / metal so to speak and they are definitely best to stay away from as often they are plagued with problems!!!! I think there is an element of suspicion amongst Alfa enthusiasts (who have ever owned anything other than a near new Alfa (of which I have had 4 old bangers) that anyone advertising an ALfa with no problems must be a liar or a bloody nutta.
Rest assured, I did my research before buying this beauty it IS as good as I say it is and even 20 or 30 000 km less is definitely worth taking as it is 20 or 30k km less time in the hands of an ignorant owner who fails to maintain these beauties properly. Mine has an authorised service history IN the LOG BOOKS, not on bits of paper stuffed in a dossier as some persons will try to convince you represents a 'service history'. I have looked on carsales and carpoint and believe my price is spot on. There are cheaper ones, BUT they are generally older, have higher mileages, fewer options or unverifiable ownership / service histories.
These cars I have learnt are largely misunderstood and 'ignorance breeds contempt' I feel. However I am pleased to report that on Thursdaya potential SA buyer is having my beauty inspected by MAS motors in SA (an Alfa specialist I understand, not mine however, I use and HIGHLY recommend, TIM RINGWOOD ph (08) 8339 4247.
I am sure if this guy knows his Alfas he will be pleasantly surprised. However don't stop asking questions and further inspections are more than welcome. Happy Alfa'ring everyone