Ever since buying "Ruby", I have to admit, my only legitimate complaint has been the lack of a cup holder, or anywhere to put one. So I made one, it's written up at one of the other Aussie Alfa sites, so save repeating it here, follow the link. Enjoy :)
When i purchased my 156 JTS over 5 years ago, i stuffed around with all different types of drink holders from ebay, supercheap, $2 shop, then i got on ebay and typed in Alfa Romeo 156 drink holders and came up with drink holders that are actually made for an Alfa 156, not drink holders that clip onto things.
The place that sells them is in Canada and they make them for the series 1 - 1997-2002 and the series 1+2 - 2002-2006, they are not cheap at about $90 each, but they are designed to fit your actual car and it sits in the consul, and you don't have to look far down to see it, it will take a normal drink can or small coffee cup.
I found witth the clip on drink holders you have to take yours eyes off the road too long too see where they are and to make sure you are putting your drink in the centre of the holder, it can be a real safety hazard.
The 'proper' drink holders are made in Taiwan, i used velcro to hold mine in and i put a 6mm set screw to steady it, about the best thing i ever purchased for my car, Colin.
Drinks have no place in a real driver's car.
Bars are for drinking. Cars are for driving.
The 156 came out in 1997 when cars were first starting to get drink holders, but missed out, all the following Alfa Romeo's, 147-166-GT-159-Brera-Spyder all had drink holders, on a long boring drive along the hume it is nice to have a drink of jump cola to keep you awake, beats balancing between your legs, Colin.
Quote from: colcol on June 05, 2014, 08:29:48 PM
When i purchased my 156 JTS over 5 years ago, i stuffed around with all different types of drink holders from ebay, supercheap, $2 shop, then i got on ebay and typed in Alfa Romeo 156 drink holders and came up with drink holders that are actually made for an Alfa 156, not drink holders that clip onto things.
The place that sells them is in Canada and they make them for the series 1 - 1997-2002 and the series 1+2 - 2002-2006, they are not cheap at about $90 each, but they are designed to fit your actual car and it sits in the consul, and you don't have to look far down to see it, it will take a normal drink can or small coffee cup.
I found witth the clip on drink holders you have to take yours eyes off the road too long too see where they are and to make sure you are putting your drink in the centre of the holder, it can be a real safety hazard.
The 'proper' drink holders are made in Taiwan, i used velcro to hold mine in and i put a 6mm set screw to steady it, about the best thing i ever purchased for my car, Colin.
Ahh Colin, I'm a little confused? Mine don't clip onto anything, they actually fit in the exact same place as the $90 one you mention, can use Velcro or screw in position or both, making them rock solid, and they hold the same sized drinks as the $90 one, only cost $14 AND in my honest opinion ACTUALLY look a whole site more professional & stylish.
You DID actually follow the link, read it & view the photos . . . .didn't you ??? ???
There are 2 types of consuls used on 156's, those ones in the photos are for the series 1, mine is the later one, but those ones in those photos are the best ones i have seen and i spent hours looking for them, i wish Alfa Romeo had put in drink holders in the first place and we wouldn't be having this disscusion, the clip on drink holders at auto accesorie places are absolute rubbish, Colin.
Wow, a drink holder discussion! I love those... How exciting!
Quote from: Choderboy on June 07, 2014, 12:45:50 AM
Wow, a drink holder discussion! I love those... How exciting!
You win. :)
Quote from: colcol on June 05, 2014, 09:34:30 PM
The 156 came out in 1997 when cars were first starting to get drink holders, but missed out, all the following Alfa Romeo's, 147-166-GT-159-Brera-Spyder all had drink holders, on a long boring drive along the hume it is nice to have a drink of jump cola to keep you awake, beats balancing between your legs, Colin.
Where, I have a 166 Ti and cant find a drink holder anywhere.
I would have thought that the 166 exeutive style car would have had one, obviously not, you will have to engineering something up, Colin.
Its a cultural thing, the Americans have them in their cars and the Italians wouldn't have a bar of it, if you want a coffee, stop at a cafe and have one, then they were lamblasted for not having them on the 156 and 166, then the 147 came out and it had drink holders.
You jump in all sorts of cars and they have drink holders, then you get in a 156 and no drink holder!!!!.
It is dangerous to try and balance drinks on your knees and seats, its as bad as using a mobile phone while driving, can you see it now on billboards,
'Police now targeting Alfa Romeo 156 and 166 owners for holding drinks on their knees, 4 points and $800 fine'.
Not having drink holders is almost as stupid as BMW not having engine oil dipsticks anymore, Colin.