Hello. I am new to the Alfa forum. I have just finished a car project ('61 mini)and am looking for another. I've been looking around and found that the Alfa GT sprint (step bonnett models) really appeal to me. I would like to try and find an example with minimal rust / dings which I could do up. After the experience with the last car I would like to try and find something which has all the trim / interior / suspension in reasonable condition, while the engine doesn't really matter too much. Minor rust is not a problem.
I currently in either the Melbourne area on weekends or in the Latrobe valley (VIC) during the week. Don't mind picking up from interstate for a good deal.
If any one could be of any help I would appreciate it (suggestions / cars).
Obviously trying to keep costs to a minimum and I was hoping I might be able to find something of a long term project for $1000 to $2000.
Hi Ardooken,
If I found a stepfront 105 with minimal rust and a good interior for $1k to $2k, I dont think I would be telling anyone and buy it myself ;) These Bertone designed cars are just a delight to look at and are becoming quite desirable so prices seem to be steadily rising. Maybe 5 years ago this price might have been reasonable but I think that in 2008 you would be looking much further north than $2k.
1K to 2k might just buy you the bonnet or just the step front :P Good luck searching
Aha. At least I know a reasonable starting point now.
I would have to agree with Phil, If i found a step front Sprint GT or 1300 Gt Junior (and i've been looking!) I would expect to pay from $2K upwards, possibly even $5K just for a decent rolling shell.
sorry to dissapoint, but in some ways it makes it worthwhile it all the more.
Hi Ardooken,
Agree with these guys you may need to spend more, however its well worth it. I bought my
74 Gt Jnr 1600 5 years ago for 3k, it was registered, ran like a demon, paint was good with minimal rust (well back then anyway! ;)) although the whole front end and steering box needed reco. Ive poured that amount into it again and its nowhere near finished however it can make a great daily driver and nothing puts a smile on your face like a 105 no matter what type, they are a beautiful car. Step nose (scalino) are quite sought after your probably looking at between 3 - 5 grand entry level.
Spend the extra you wont regret it and if you find one act quickly as they tend to go fast especially if they are a bargain.
Good Luck
It all sounds good. I don't mind spending the extra if thats what it takes.
Lets face it it pays off better in the long run when you come to do a restoration on it.
I'll keep a look out.