Alfa Romeo Owners Club of Australia Forum

General Category => Buy/Swap/Sell [Announce ONLY] => Topic started by: Ardooken on April 08, 2008, 09:24:08 PM

Title: WTB (buy) - Alfa step bonnet sprint GT or GT junior
Post by: Ardooken on April 08, 2008, 09:24:08 PM
Hello.  I am new to the Alfa forum.  I have just finished a car project ('61 mini)and am looking for another.  I've been looking around and found that the Alfa GT sprint (step bonnett models) really appeal to me.  I would like to try and find an example with minimal rust / dings which I could do up.  After the experience with the last car I would like to try and find something which has all the trim / interior / suspension in reasonable condition, while the engine doesn't really matter too much. Minor rust is not a problem. 

I currently in either the Melbourne area on weekends or in the Latrobe valley (VIC) during the week.  Don't mind picking up from interstate for a good deal.

If any one could be of any help I would appreciate it (suggestions / cars).

Obviously trying to keep costs to a minimum and I was hoping I might be able to find something of a long term project for $1000 to $2000.

Title: Re: WTB (buy) - Alfa step bonnet sprint GT or GT junior
Post by: alfagtv58 on April 09, 2008, 03:12:26 PM
Hi Ardooken,

If I found a stepfront 105 with minimal rust and a good interior for $1k to $2k, I dont think I would be telling anyone and buy it myself ;)  These Bertone designed cars are just a delight to look at and are becoming quite desirable so prices seem to be steadily rising.  Maybe 5 years ago this price might have been reasonable but I think that in 2008 you would be looking much further north than $2k.
Title: Re: WTB (buy) - Alfa step bonnet sprint GT or GT junior
Post by: Anthony Miller on April 09, 2008, 03:55:56 PM
1K to 2k might just buy you the bonnet or just the step front :P Good luck searching
Title: Re: WTB (buy) - Alfa step bonnet sprint GT or GT junior
Post by: Ardooken on April 10, 2008, 07:20:51 AM
Aha.   At least I know a reasonable starting point now.
Title: Re: WTB (buy) - Alfa step bonnet sprint GT or GT junior
Post by: adriank on April 22, 2008, 11:02:42 AM
I would have to agree with Phil, If i found a step front Sprint GT or 1300 Gt Junior (and i've been looking!) I would expect to pay from $2K upwards, possibly even $5K just for a decent rolling shell.

sorry to dissapoint, but in some ways it makes it worthwhile it all the more.

Title: Re: WTB (buy) - Alfa step bonnet sprint GT or GT junior
Post by: pep105 on April 22, 2008, 08:08:17 PM
Hi Ardooken,

Agree with these guys you may need to spend more, however its well worth it. I bought my
74 Gt Jnr 1600 5 years ago for 3k, it was registered, ran like a demon, paint was good with minimal rust (well back then anyway! ;)) although the whole front end and steering box needed reco. Ive poured that amount into it again and its nowhere near finished however it can make a great daily driver and nothing puts a smile on your face like a 105 no matter what type, they are a beautiful car. Step nose (scalino) are quite sought after your probably looking at between 3 -  5 grand entry level.

Spend the extra you wont regret it and if you find one act quickly as they tend to go fast especially if they are a bargain.

Good Luck

Title: Re: WTB (buy) - Alfa step bonnet sprint GT or GT junior
Post by: Ardooken on May 07, 2008, 09:20:53 AM
It all sounds good.  I don't mind spending the extra if thats what it takes.

Lets face it it pays off better in the long run when you come to do a restoration on it.

I'll keep a look out.