Hey guys, hoping someone can give me some guidance here.
So I'll be doing the oil and air filter changes/cleanouts this Saturday and I'm also going to run some upper engine cleaner through it before I drain the oil out. Here's the process:
http://www.rexnet.com.au/forum/index.php?/topic/81352-diy-gc8-upper-engine-cleaner-maintenance/ (http://www.rexnet.com.au/forum/index.php?/topic/81352-diy-gc8-upper-engine-cleaner-maintenance/)
I've decided to start making this a regular part of my car's maintenance when I do the oil changes to help battle the carbon build ups that are prone in the JTS engines.
I currently drive 2004 Series 3 156 2.0 JTS and my questions are:
- Where is the vacuum hose located on the JTS engine? (pics would help)
- Where is the accelerator lever located?
Hope someone can guide me.
Thanks man!
I think that should help me heaps!
Wish me luck.
Quote from: krysRAW = AROCA-Vic PR = on July 17, 2014, 09:13:22 AM
... to help battle the carbon build ups that are prone in the JTS engines.
Who (where/what) said the Alfa JTS engines are prone to carbon build up ?
Quote from: Craig_m67 on July 17, 2014, 01:07:45 PM
Who (where/what) said the Alfa JTS engines are prone to carbon build up ?
The guy who ran all the cars at the Beninca Dyno day a few weeks ago.
The only problem i have with this cleaning out the upper cylinder carbon buildup is what happens if a chunk of carbon falls into the cylinder and scratches the bore or gets stuck in a valve seat, and where will all the carbon end up?, stuck in the 2 cats clogging up the honeycomb stucture in the 2 cats, then you will have clogged cats that will have to be cleaned out, which will require removal of them from the car and in a worst case you will have to buy 2 new cats, the genuine ones are about $3500, non genuine are a bit cheaper, but they may throw up error messages.
Most likely the correct way to remove the carbon buildup is to remove the cylinder head and wire brush it off.
Try and find the brake booster, which will be located on the offside of the car on the firewall, there will be a rubber hose about 15mm in diameter, which will lead to the manifold, thats where you spray in the cleaner, Colin.
Quote from: colcol on July 17, 2014, 08:47:36 PM
The only problem i have with this cleaning out the upper cylinder carbon buildup is what happens if a chunk of carbon falls into the cylinder and scratches the bore or gets stuck in a valve seat, and where will all the carbon end up?
I think you are overestimating the efficacy of the product if you are expecting it to remove big chunks of carbon (I should probably test it on the bbq?). I use it regularly on cars I know it has been used on regularly so if it is working there isn't a lot of buildup between services so unlikely to clog anything, if it doesn't work - well - no harm done (other than hip pocket) as far as I can tell..
I was reading on one of the articles on upper cylinder cleaners, that when you put the upper engine cleaner thru the motor, you should change the oil, as the rubbish can get in the lubrication system as well, i think that if anyone had one of those tiny cameras they use for checking out bits in cars or ....people, you could poke it thru some orifice, such as a spark plug hole or manifold and do a 'before' and 'after' comparison, Colin.
Good evening i am getting a motor control failure on.my 147 sillyspeed" any advise out there