Have owned my 159 for 2 years. Got timing belt done when I brought it. Have had serviced at Alfa Romeo specialists - Alfa Romeo Southport & Revolution. Haven't had major issues (for an Alfa!) until 6-9 months ago, when they have been one after another after another. I had a regular service done at Alfa Gold Coast 3 weeks ago and they got back to me with nothing to report. I run on Caltex Premium Diesel only and put through injector cleaner (performance Diesel) every few months.
Have had issues with with rough, 'searching' idling multiple times. It had disappeared for a good 6 months but came back last week with a vengeance! Often when the car was cold, but now even whilst driving the car seems to choke. Last night whilst waiting at a set of red lights I also noticed my temperature gauge (which has never given me grief before) was dancing up and down between cold and half way, along with the rev's dipping. I pulled over, let the car cool for an hour and checked the fluids, all fine.
Recently (this has happened 4 times in the past 2 months) I have been breaking regularly (not doing anything out of the ordinary like Alfa questioned me!) and the breaks have stopped working feeling like they had fallen out and were scraping on the floor making an awful noise. Luckily after letting off and jumping back on the breaks they come back. My dad had read to bleed the breaks, did this and thought the issue was solved until 2 weeks ago when it happened again. The last time it was a close shave with the car stopped in front and has actually scared me when it comes to needing to break quickly- will they work?!
A few times (in wet weather) when starting up the car in the morning all warning light have come up (no hill assist, no ABS, no this that and the other). And these item are disable. I have found that turn off and back on the car clears this but is still annoying and shouldn't happen.
Regardless of the number I have the inside temperature of my car set to it keeps getting to boiling temperature. Only way to stop it is to turn it off completely. This issue compared to the others is minor however I can't help but think they could all be related some how in the electrics... ECU?
I have a lazy glow plug, which Alfa are trying to link to the above issues but that I'm aware glow plug are only required for the starting up of the vehicle not the general running. They have asked me to go in and link up to their computer to get a diagnosis. This will cost me $137 per hour and they cannot guarantee and prognosis!!!
Any advice would be appreciated as this car is giving me hell!
For anyone having issues with the car going into limp mode, I have found its an issue with build up fumes within the exhaust. The car does enjoy long runs once a month or so to get the temperate up to clean the internal sensors. The valve arm in my exhaust was stuck therefor my car was constantly going into super slow mode! Revolution ordered the part from Italy (non in Australia) and advised not to drive until repaired (2 weeks). This was a pain in the bum but did the job and have only had 1 incident that fixed itself since. Often switching off the car for 30 mins - 1 hr resets the car.
Have the battery checked, when they wear out, there is not enough volts to run all the electrical equipment and they start throwing up error messages.
It could also be a bad earth, fuse or connector.
The climate controls in these cars, like Alfa 147's - 156's, the climate control units give up the ghost, take it to an Alfa Romeo service provider and see if the unit itself is faulty or if they can change it over for one that is known to be working, if you have a faulty climate control, you will need a bank loan to buy a new one, try an Alfa Romeo wrecker and get a good second hand climate control with some sort of warranty.
As for the motor?, swirl valves, exhaust gas recirculating valves, particle filter, clogged up intake manifold, these are known issues with the diesel motors.
The brakes, you bled the brakes, that is good, it should be done every 2 years or so as the brake fluid is hydroscopic and absorbs moisture, which is detrimental to safe braking, have the calipers claened and make sure there is some copperkote grease on the sliders, so that they are sliding back and forth allowing the pad to contact the rotor, and check that the brake pads are not worn down and are not glazed, causing poor friction properties and poor braking, Colin.