Good afternoon all! First time poster, and hopefully first time Alfa owner soon ;)
Wondering your thoughts on a 2004 Alfa GTA - advertised at $14,000
Has had the following done:
-Q2 sports diff and Heavy Duty clutch
-Major service done by Alfa mechanic timing belt water pump at 105kms.
-lowered suspension (not sure it would have needed lowering :o )
Currently sitting at 123,000 kms. Is this getting on a bit in the Alfa lifespan? Am I likely to start running into some issues?
I shall make sure service history is fairly thorough when I go to inspect - is there anything I should watch for in the 2004 models?
Thanks in advance for your sage wisdom!
I have recently bought one. The price is just crazy, i paid $3750.00 and it had 130 k on the clock.
All that other stuff is wasted because its still a 147. Why spoil perfection, they are a great as is.
You paid $3,750 for a 147 GTA?? :o
There is no way anyone bought a GTA for under $5k unless it was completely buggered.
Cam, $14k sounds reasonable for a GTA in really good nick. Check if the water pump has been changed along with timing belt.
You should do a youtube search for Top Gear's review of the 147 GTA as a totally mental, impractical monster - but a car all three of them (Clarkson, May, Hammond) would buy over the more sensible competition.
I drive a V6 156 and its the best car I've ever owned. I would love to get a GTA version - but they come up for sale in WA pretty rarely.
So my advice is, subject to the history/mechanical check coming up clean, make an offer. If you have cash you can probably knock a couple of $k off the price. The typical range seems to be $11-16k depending on age and condition, and what state you live in.
Bendy, [lovemy147], paid $3,750 for a twin spark 147, as he was enquiring about the eight spark plugs for it.
Unless they have been done, the front control arms and anti roll bars will start to rattle, the extra weight of the V-6 over the four wears them out quicker.
Keep up the correct oil and change it on time and also change the oil filter in a timely manner, it is hard to change and can be skipped, this is a no-no.
It is a seriously good car the GTA, enjoy it, Colin.
Thanks for the tips Poobah and colcol!
I live in Vic, which appears we have to pay a higher price for cars here for some reason!
It says in the ad that the water pump was done the same time as timing belt (105,000kms), so that's good.
I do have the cash ready to go, so we shall see what happens tomorrow
Thanks for the help!
In Victoria we pay a slightly higher price for cars, because we don't have an annual roadworthy, in some states where its mandatory every year, it gets to the stage where cars are not worth fixing and are scrapped, so the older the cars get, the closer they get to their end of life, and less value.
Before you hand over your money Pastor, a good idea would be to get it checked out by an Alfa Romeo specialist, to find out what needs doing and what hasn't been done, have a look at the supporters page and find the one closest to you, you may even find the Alfa Romeo Service Provider has worked on it in the past, P.S.,pastor, your sirname isn't Maldernado is it!, Colin.
Yeah Colin, that's a good idea to get it checked over by Alfa specialist!
I had to google Pastor Maldernado to find out who it was! hahaha - no, unfortunately I'm not that guy ;)
Quote from: colcol on September 20, 2014, 07:42:56 PM
Bendy, [lovemy147], paid $3,750 for a twin spark 147, as he was enquiring about the eight spark plugs for it.
Unless they have been done, the front control arms and anti roll bars will start to rattle, the extra weight of the V-6 over the four wears them out quicker.
Keep up the correct oil and change it on time and also change the oil filter in a timely manner, it is hard to change and can be skipped, this is a no-no.
It is a seriously good car the GTA, enjoy it, Colin.
Sorry i dint read the GTA bit. Have done a load of work on her and she is going great. I am trying to change the Tran fluid, what a bugger that is.
So far have done, new plugs, new MAF, new thermostat, new air filter and general clean up of the lady. What a great little car they are, how can people complain about them.
I was looking at what people say about Toyo,s and the complaints from people are far worse than an Alfa.