Alfa Romeo Owners Club of Australia Forum

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: colcol on October 29, 2014, 06:39:02 PM

Title: Money Camera'$
Post by: colcol on October 29, 2014, 06:39:02 PM
Here in Victoria, the $tate Goverment has raked in almo$t $300 million from $afety camera$, with 40 and 50 km/h zone$ proving to be the most lucrative.
The Ju$tice Department data reveil$ that half of the new camera$ have caught 90,000 driver$, generating 20.5 million in revenue, being $witched on only for 4 month$.
A total of 27,138 driver$, that i$ 228 per day were snapped exceeding the 40 km/h limit in both directions through Flinder$ and William$ $treet, rai$ing 6.6 million for revenue.
For the fir$t 2 week$, the Justice Department put up warning $ign$ the camera$ were $wiched on.
Meanwhile 13,680 driver$, that i$ 270 per day were caught exceeding 40 km/h through the variable $peed zone along Warrigal rd. near Bate$ford rd. in Chad$tone.
Road $afety Camera Commi$ioner Gordon Lewi$, $aid Motori$t$ had been given enough warning on the location of the lower $peed zone$, pointing out that there were 7 $ign$ in Fiztroy $t.
Although we receive complaint$ about in$ufficient $ign$ and warning$, i have found the$e complaint$ ba$ele$$, he $aid.
The $econd bigge$t $tream of revenue came from Fitzroy $t. in Lake$ide drive, rai$ing 5.2 million dollar$.
A pair of Safety camera$ on the We$tern ring road at their height in 2012-2013 raked in 21.6 million dollars through 97,000 motori$t$ over one year, but recent data $how$ that the camera$ in Keilor park,drive, thi$ rai$ed 7.5% of the $tate$ $peed camera revenue, thi$ i$ due to the re$toration of the 100 km/h $peed limit up from 80 km/h.
RACV road$ and traffic manager Dave Jone$ $aid the camera$ $hould be placed at $pot$ only when there were proven $peed related $afety problem$ or there wa$ a ri$k of them developing, the $peed limit $ignage ha$ to en$ure that driver$ are aware and reminded of the low limit$ are in place, Colin.
Title: Re: Money Camera'$
Post by: Garibaldi on October 29, 2014, 08:19:31 PM
I once sold a car to a member of the Victoria Police and we had a discussion on this topic (off the record of course). He basically said as you have alluded to Col that speed cameras are blatant revenue raisers and the only real deterrent to speeding drivers was a visible police presence. He said the main problem with drivers was not only speed, which is a factor but not the main one, was alcohol, drugs, and a lack of focus and awareness of what was going on around them. Given the amount of revenue the cameras raise for the Government they are not going to go away anytime soon. ???
Title: Re: Money Camera'$
Post by: colcol on October 29, 2014, 09:03:09 PM
If we stop going over the speed limit, then they will have to lower them even more, to say 30 km/h, so they can keep the 300 million coming in every year, otherwise they will go broke or they will have to put the price of Goverment services up even more.
Had a confrontation a few weeks ago coming home from work with a man high on ice, scary stuff, more scary or dangerous than someone 3 km/h over the speed limit, Colin.
Title: Re: Money Camera'$
Post by: Backto105 on October 29, 2014, 10:15:49 PM
...and while we are talking about "Victoria- A Fine State"... can someone please explain to me why vehicle registration goes up by over 7.5% EVERY year?

Wages, salary and any other income don't go up by over 7.5%...

I was always under the impression that State Govt fees had to be pegged to CPI or inflation or similar... NONE of which is 7.5%. As a compound rate in 5 years, annual registration will be unaffordable!!

Why don't we hear anything from the press on this issue? With a State election looming, I would dearly like to hear answer from either party??..... but I am sure it will just be more bullshit from money grabbing and wasting politicians!!
Title: Re: Money Camera'$
Post by: aggie57 on October 29, 2014, 10:22:56 PM
Perhaps we would be more understanding of these camera's if the money they bring in was directly channeled to driver education for young people?  Or if that nonsensical 3 km/h tolerance was more realistic?   
Title: Re: Money Camera'$
Post by: aggie57 on October 29, 2014, 10:26:50 PM
Quote from: Backto105 on October 29, 2014, 10:15:49 PM
...and while we are talking about "Victoria- A Fine State"... can someone please explain to me why vehicle registration goes up by over 7.5% EVERY year?

Wages, salary and any other income don't go up by over 7.5%...

I was always under the impression that State Govt fees had to be pegged to CPI or inflation or similar... NONE of which is 7.5%. As a compound rate in 5 years, annual registration will be unaffordable!!

Why don't we hear anything from the press on this issue? With a State election looming, I would dearly like to hear answer from either party??..... but I am sure it will just be more bullshit from money grabbing and wasting politicians!!

Funny Mark, a while back I recall we got a renewal from one organization we dealt with that included a 6% annual increase.  When I queried it the answer I got was that it "was in line with the sector's CPI".  Some logic!  Thankfully we have since moved on from that experience.
Title: Re: Money Camera'$
Post by: Backto105 on October 29, 2014, 10:37:58 PM
Can't wait to get back to the USA... will be there in 2 weeks... might have to come down for a beer with you Al....

AND I will get there doing 85mph all the way on a 65mph limit freeway and not have to worry about cameras and cops!!
Title: Re: Money Camera'$
Post by: aggie57 on October 30, 2014, 08:15:02 AM
Quote from: Backto105 on October 29, 2014, 10:37:58 PM
Can't wait to get back to the USA... will be there in 2 weeks... might have to come down for a beer with you Al....

AND I will get there doing 85mph all the way on a 65mph limit freeway and not have to worry about cameras and cops!!

No camera's, cops happy to let traffic flow and keep out of peoples way.  You know the drill.   Come for Cars and Coffee in Irvine then breakfast with the guys afterwards.  Very cool and some great cars. 

Will send you my contact details :).
Title: Re: Money Camera'$
Post by: kartone on October 30, 2014, 01:04:17 PM
Lived in the US for 17 years. There are speed limits, but seem more reasonable than OZ; there are speed limit changes, but nowhere as many over a given distance as in OZ; you are afforded a 10% allowance; you are allowed to use radar/laser/scanners etc and you are handed the infringement notice on the spot.
In Connecticut squad cars always have two green lights on on the light-bar ensuring high visibility   
Title: Re: Money Camera'$
Post by: colcol on October 30, 2014, 09:03:41 PM
I always make sure that i give a good character reference to any of these parasites sitting in their black Commodore station wagon, taking money off speeding motorists, as we wouldn't want them to think that they are respected members of the community, doing good work.
Had a fellow Alfa driver pull up to drop his daughter off to soccer, and everyone that drove past called him horrible names and suggested he get a real job, couldn't work out what was going on, until he saw the Commodore wagon parked a few spots away, with the camera on the front looking like a bullbar, Colin.