I would advise using the standard issue club plates on your car.
"I was stopped by the Police today and fined because of the front number plate.The official issue is that I did not have the issued plate on the front but had the small vinyl sticker mounted on the blower cover (non approved size and type). The infringement item is 246(1)... ($295!). This is related to the use of a non approved plate.... From section 45 (and section 157 relating to club vehicles) it would appear that cars manufactured after the 30th December 1930 require both front and rear plates and that the plates must be issued by 'the corporation'. Hence, even if you were to have a vinyl plate of the standard size (as many E types have) you could still get done. Whilst we could argue over the placement of the plates, if I read the act correctly I don't think there is any allowance not to have a front plate.... even if it is difficult to mount (as per 48-2).
It appears that the latitude that VicPolice previously gave historic vehicles is over and that they are targeting permit vehicles. I have been stopped twice in 3 days and had the log book inspected.... the first time they did not care about the plate. I suspect that the vinyl sticker is more illegal than nothing at all!"
I heard that the Police stopped a whole string of cars coming home from a historic event at PI before Christmas.
You are correct that the rules say that both plates provided by VicRoads must be used. There used to be a rule about the plate being visible from x metres, but this was superseded by requiring the original plates.
Technically, they must be mounted in the manner provided for by VicRoads (ie screws in the stamped holes). Therefore technically, the dealer trade plates in magnetic backed clear sleeves are illegal. But if I owned something like an e-type, I might consider one of these dealer trade plate sleeves and put the plate on only when its being driven on the road.
doug the dealer trade plate cannot be fixed on any car but must cover an exhisting expired (unregistered) number plate if one fitted,having said that i do use it on many vehicles