Hi, I bought 2002 Alfa Romeo Selespeed Twin Spark 5 months ago. It goes well for a couple of months. Until recently when I drove the car & stopped (due to the traffic light), suddenly the gear change from 1 to N, and the car can't move anymore. I have to wait for about 1- 2 hours, and then the gear will be working again. It happened a couple of times now, especially when the road that I used has a lot of traffic lights.
Is anyone can advise me on this problem? Or anyone can recommend me a mechanic near Brisbane City?
Hello there, I can help I think ;)
Your problem is most likely caused by the brushes in your Selespeed pump being worn out & sticking. The more times you have to change gears, the more the pump has to run to keep up pressure, like in areas with lots of traffic lights. The hotter the worn brushes get the more they are likely to stick, thus there is not enough pressure anymore to keep the system running & it drops to neutral as a default.
When it all cools down the pump runs again & away you go. I can either replace the brushes in your pump or do an exchange with a unit I have here that I have just fully refurbished.
I have sent you a PM with my contact number.