Alfa Romeo Owners Club of Australia Forum

Technical => 932 Series (156, GTV, Spider, 147, GT, and 166) => Topic started by: Harley on April 14, 2015, 12:49:53 PM

Title: 147 JTDm tuning in Aus.
Post by: Harley on April 14, 2015, 12:49:53 PM
I bought myself a 2007 147 JTDm  8)
Got it for a steal, great condition, now I know what all the "Pulls like a train" business is about ;-)

I see in UK/Europe there are dozens of good quality tuners/remaps available... Do we have anyone in Australia/Melbourne who has experience remapping the 1.9 JTD?

I have heard a few names thrown around but not much more, i.e. Vince? (possibly Sydney?)
I will run it over to Mathew at Alfa Men for some advice.

Anyone else we know?

Title: Re: 147 JTDm tuning in Aus.
Post by: Craig_m67 on April 14, 2015, 01:17:29 PM
None that I have found who sound vaguely convincing.
Easiest is to pull the ECU and overnight post it to the UK.
Turn around in about a fortnight at the most.
Title: Re: 147 JTDm tuning in Aus.
Post by: Harley on May 12, 2015, 09:14:28 PM
I've just swallowed an exhaust flap!  :'( :'( :'(

I was accelerating hard through 2nd when there was a hesitation at about 4k and the traction light bliped on just as i went to grab 3rd. I stopped accelerating and could hear a tappeting sound coming from the engine... i thought i may have busted a driveshaft or cv joint during traction loss at high rpm, but tappeting was there when increasing revs whilst stationary.  There was some noticable smoke when i reversed to the side of the road to check damage... i then drove 800metres down the road tp my mates place. The tappeting stopped, i said a little prayer. car sat for just 20mins before i had to head home, 2k's away. started ok , slow rev increase and seemed to build boost as i drove away.  Under boost i could see black smoke in the rear view mirror, none when off boost. Then taking of from a red light, no acceleration, it just crawled away no matter how much i put my foot down...
I nursed it home and stripped the engine down...
Pulled the map sensor, covered in gunk So doesn't look good for the inlet manifold... Removed intake box and inlet side to turbo, all looks good with little to no play on the shaft.
Checked error codes, none, except a stored clutch switch code. Started it. Idle ok, smooth, no noise or knocking. But engine will not rev past 1700rpm, no matter throttle position, and even then it is slow. Is this 'Limp Home Mode'? Where are no engine lights on etc. .. Note: in Multiscanecu the throttle angle parameter stays at .99% when pressing the accelerator, i realise diesels don't have a throttle body so where does it read the throttle angle?
I removed the turbo to check exhaust side., impleller looks intact and no play, the honey comb in the catalytic converter is also clear.
I pulled everything to remove the intake manifold, tirns out that means removing the HP fuel pump driven by the cam belt. I was did this by lining up the marks on the cam pullies and belts then used a drift to seperate the hp pump from it's pulley, this would allow me to reassemble without having to reset the cam timing if i didn't have to pull the head, wishfull thinking.
Title: Re: 147 JTDm tuning in Aus.
Post by: Harley on May 12, 2015, 09:22:07 PM
Turns out the bracket that holds the HP fuel pump prevents it from being removed without either taking out all the studs or removing the head...
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Check out the gunk in the inlet manifold!  The map sensor was also caked...
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Title: Re: 147 JTDm tuning in Aus.
Post by: Harley on May 12, 2015, 09:28:28 PM
i seperated the inlet manifold from the lower half with the swirl flaps.
here is cylinder 4 inlet with flap intact.
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and 3 & 2 without...
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so it looks to me like cylinder 3 made a bid for freedom before i purchased the car and cylinder 2 was what i experienced. ..
So... I'm now in a position topull the head and see what happened to the flaps as they clearly didn't exit the exhaust valve into the turbo or cat, unless they where burnt up???
The frustrating thing is i knew this was an issue with these motors and had spoken to the specialists about removing the flaps and blanking the EGR, i just didn't get their in time...

Sent from the future...
Title: Re: 147 JTDm tuning in Aus.
Post by: Harley on June 06, 2015, 06:24:46 PM
Took the head off...
As I had expected;
Cylinder 3 has a new piston!
Cylinder 2 has damage from a wayward swirl flap!

So i'm calling boggy repair :yikes:
Clearly it has swallowed a swirl flap in the past, not only did they pull the head and also replaced a piston to fix it but they didn't replace the missing swirl flap nor does it look like they even cleaned the intake!:yikes::yikes::yikes: naughty...

Sent from the future...
Title: Re: 147 JTDm tuning in Aus.
Post by: Harley on June 06, 2015, 06:27:48 PM
I just got this message from the turbo guy;
QuoteWe have received the new GTX Billet front wheel ready to go. The turbo was leaking out of the rear housing and also the front, there was actually a large amount of oil in the front comp cover. The seals are worn but not enough for the amount of oil leaking.
You will have to look at other issues like the breather system, or oil pressure etc.
All the parts are in the ultrasonic bath, once they finally clean we can measure everything and check the balance to make sure the turbine wheel is ok.
The new wheel is 3mm larger than original, but it's the design of the wheel that gives you the power. It weights 3.76g lighter even though it is larger. It's pretty cool for this little fella.
Attached is also a pic of what we wanted to machine in but it doesn't seem to fit!!
Title: Re: 147 JTDm tuning in Aus.
Post by: Harley on June 06, 2015, 06:43:25 PM
Head jas been rebuilt, i was able to source a complete vrs set and new head bolts locally for a fraction of the price the rebuilder could get it...
Check out : ( all parts are listed and priced on the website.
I am fitting a larger front mount intercooler,  here is the test fit  8)
I have also had the exhaust manifold scanned and am getting the flange laser cut so my brother can fabricate a custom exhaust manifold.  ;)
Sent from the future. ..