Hi,I'm the proud new owner of a1982 gtv 2.0 and I'm hoping to get a lot of assistance as I'm going to be asking a lot of questions, thanks to all who help. I've only driven her a few times but what a great car unique and with that fantastic alfa sound,I look forward to chatting with everyone, cheers.
Welcome and great choice of car & Alfa. There is a wealth of knowledge and experience on here that should be able to assist your every Alfa need.
How about some pics?
Welcome Marktim from a fellow Perth GTV owner. Great cars, and they make a great noise.
Open the sunroof, drop her down a couple of cogs and let her rip (legal speed of course...) through the Northbridge Tunnel. Glorious!
Pics please - is yours in good nick? If not, they can be a little demanding on the old wallet ...
Thanks for the welcome, ,I've got to admit that it's been a long time since I've been excited to jump into a car and go for a drive. I hope the pics come through ok.
Can anyone tell me if this is the original radiator and if that bottom hose looks familiar thanks.
Nice! I recognise that car, pretty sure it was owned by one of the other Perth guys on here. Hope to see it around on the street sometime.
Yeah it's in fairly good nick the engine has been rebuilt recently and runs very strong,the body has been redone but there's a few bits of rust that I'm going to have done(if you know a good panel beater who does rust repairs let me know) the interior leather seats are in great shape but bits of the trim need redoing.I've just replaced the shocks on all four corners,hard to believe but it had the original shockers still on it.I had the back hatch strut redone and that's working well now ,the only thing I need to find is the joystick switch that controls the drivers door mirror the mirror motor works but the switch is shot.
All in all she's a great car and I can't believe how cheap they are to buy a classic car, when you look at the price asked for some of the other cars made in the seventies and eighties. Hopefully there will be a car show soon so I can catch up with other alfa owners and pick their brains,cheers.
Mark, have you joined the WA Alfa club? Very worthwhile, some good events, and not a bad place to ask about local panel beaters etc.
Hi, no I haven't joined yet but will do soon,I'm looking forward to going to as many events as possible, I'm still surprised as to how well the old girl goes, by the look of her the engine has been touched up not so long ago, the head and valve gaskets look fairly new plus a few other bits and pieces have been replaced, I've got one strange problem and that is that driving in even hot weather she runs a bit cool, possibly thermostat stuck open but if you are working on her and she is idling for a while she gets up to temperature, the fans ccome on as they should and she stays at the right temp,got a price for a new thermostat, around the hundred mark .
All in all what a great car.
Yep, great fun to drive. Hopefully, will see you around the traps.
Yeah,I look forward to catching up with other alfa owners, cheers.