My unauthorised Alfa mechanic has been unable to reprogram my onboard computer (OBC), hence the message "Scheduled service expired". He was given instructions, however OBC isn't showing KM's so mechanic unable to reprogram.
Question is: do I have to have it reprogrammed at dealership or can I reprogram manually.
Hi Brad
I had the same trouble with my sportwagon. I ended up going to the Alfa dealer and paying them $40 for their time to re-programe the computer. I dont normally use the Alfa dealer here in Hobart since they are more expensive than my unauthorised Alfa mechanic.
So a good question which I too would be interested in knowing the answer to.
Unfortunately the manual wasn't much help. I will drop into the local authorised dealer to see what they can do. Having the thermostat changed on Monday. Do we have to keep replacing these thermostats or is there a new improved version of the original thermostat?
Sounds like the only option re re-setting the computer. Oh well :(
Not sure re the thermostat, luckily I havn't had that problem yet. Best bet I guess to ask the Alfa dealer that question while you get the computor sorted.
Reset the ECU by disconnecting the battery using the Neg lead for 45 minutes, Then reconnect Neg lead, start your engine with using the throttle and leave to idle for 15 minutes, then turn off leaving the key in the ignition for 10 minutes, then start again and drive it like you want it to behave. Give it a full throttle blast etc.