Next Friday night at 7 pm at Alfamen, 556 Geelong road Brooklyn, unit 10, Matt Long will be our host for a look at late model cars including 159, MiTo and Giulietta, petrol and diesel and Selespeed.
It will be open to current members, members wishing to join or old members coming back to the fold.
We will be looking at ownership and servicing of these cars and questions can be asked about any issues with these cars.
With 2 days to go, text or call Colin Thomas on 0407 090 826, or email , you must book to preserve your place, Colin.
Looking forward to this Colin; thanks for organising.
Still a couple of vacancies for the Alfamen workshop visit in Brooklyn, don't email me as it is too late, just text me your name on 0407 090 826 and don't just turn up, make sure that you book with me and there is a place for you.
You don't have to own a 159, MiTo or Giulietta to come along to Alfamen, you may be looking at one in the future, so come along and find out about them, Colin.
Thank you to Alfamen for putting on a workshop visit for late models, our host was Matt Long, we had 15 Alfa Romeo drivers on the night, and because they were mostly 159 owners the focus was on the 159, we looked at the sometimes troublesome diesel models, and the causes and fixes available.
We also looked at the history of the 159 and the various influences with their engine supply and the petrol models and any issues with them.
There was also a discussion on suspension, control arms, suspension bushes shock absorbers and springs and wheel alignment and the problems with the TI models chopping out tyres.
Thank you to Matt from Alfamen, and look forward to another visit next year, Colin.
Back in an Alfa after seven years or so absence, this time it's a late 2012 159 Ti wagon with the 2.4 JTDm motor. Based on the feedback on this forum I took it across town to Matt at Alfamen for a timing belt change that was due, as well as to sort out the front wheel alignment, a hesitation at idle and at around 2000rpm.
Needless to say that all the positive feedback was spot on. Is there anything Matt doesn't know about the 159 and how to get the best out of the diesel motor? It's running much better now and fuel economy is 20% (yes that's not a typo) better.
Thanks Matt! Thanks Alfamen!
Good to hear some feedback on one of the Alfa Romeo clubs supporters, lookout for a return visit to Alfaman early next year, Colin.
+1 for Alfa Men. Nobody else touches my Alfa. Very few others touch my Benz.