Arghhhh, have been searching far and wide without any luck. Best or closest answer I've come across is the mircowitch for the boot release may need resoldering or replacing.
My Issue: The remote works fine in all aspects on the 2003 147, except for the boot button. Boot needs opening via the internal button on the dash. Any insight would be appreciated (BazzBazz, ColCol, others?)
I'd say if the internal dash switch opens the boot then you might have an issue with the button in the key. The contacts in the switch could need a clean.
Thanks mate, had a win here.
Problem was the micro switch had broken away from its solder on the circuit board in the remote. A quick solder back on and the boot is once again back to opening of the remote. I'll post some picks later.
That's great ! Always happy when an Alfa problem can be fixed with solder, as so many can.