good morning
was hoping to pick brains as to whether there are any adjustable strut braces i could buy ready to fit the sprint and where i could p[ick them up from locally?. i'm aware i can mod one, but if there is one designed to fit without tinkering, that'd be my preference. any help is greatly appreciated.
Are you in Perth? If so, call Mark Pearson @ Bayswater Tyres. He has a track prepared 33 and might be able to head you in the right direction. Ask him for Joey Armenti's contact details at the same time as Joey has a very competitive sprint. Then there is Sal and Alex's Sud.(you can see pics of Joeys sprint and the lads Sud on the recent motorkhana results page.
Then there is Lloyd @ Sirius in Adelaide and Ron Whitehouse of AROCA QLD that might be able to help and you can buy them ex UK but i cant remember who from