My cooling system bleed screw above the thermostat housing is stuck. i am afraid i will strip it.
Could anyone help with some ideas to try to get it loose or some other innovative ways of bleeding the cooling system?
I had one stuck solid on my Alfetta, I tried everything but ended up having to drill it out. The brass was falling apart so I couldn't get a good grip on the head, and no amount of heat and/or percussive persuasion could budge it.
I've barely ever used the bleed screw though - with the front end up on ramps the radiator cap is the highest point in the cooling system (on my 116 GTV at least, I assume Giuliettas would be the same?)
Get some heat onto it. Wont need much. The aluminium and brass will expand at different rates.
I doiubt you'll strip the thread undoing it ... worst case scenario would be the bolt will break.
If all fails, I have several spare inlet manifolds.