I have just purchased a 156 JTS Wagon (2004) with 46000kms on the clock
Very excited due to arrive from Sydney on Monday (I am in Melbourne)
Has had regular servicing and even the cam belt changed ( I think they ran out of things to do at the warranty services)
I have my fingers crossed that this exercise is not going to bankrupt me, but I do feel I have bought the right 156 to minimise this possibility!
After driving a Ford Laser 1989 which now has 475000 on the clock (remarkably one motor) I am both excited and scared by the possibilities.
As I live in the country I am contemplating getting my local mechanic to do the work; he is keen and also owns a new bmw, oldish mercedes, some vintage cars
and I think a fiat. Any comments?
It's always best to get some one to work on the car who knows the car.
The club has a range of sponsors ranging from the dealer network to other Alfa Specialists. Most do give a 'good price' for club members. They serve our members well and it is strongly recommended that you find a convenient one to go to as it will save you time and money for sure.
Let us know what region you are in, but maybe a trip to the city for servicing may have to be factored in. Plus the 156 computed will need analysing/resetting as appropriate.
Yeah, the problem is your local guy won't have the Alfa computer/analyzer (he may have another but they don't look at everything the Alfa one does). He'll be ok i guess for changing the oil and many other things but you still need to go and get the thing put on the analyzer every now and again.
Hey Andrew, Like yourself I too have a JTS sportwagon. Mine is an '03 model. I bought it back in Nov '07 with 89,000Km on the clock in Sydney and drove it home (roadtrip -yea) down the coast road and back to Hobart. Since then I actually have had nothing to spend on it so far, though it must be getting due for a service. It now has 97500km.
Mine was a 1 owner from new, always serviced by Alfa dealers. While possibly more expensive for some work, I tend to agree with both John and Scott's views, and especially re re-setting the trip computer. I had t get this done on mine as, the dealers I bought it from had given it a quick service prior to my buying it. BTW I had a drive of a brand new diesel 159 auto sedan the other day and while nice, and very tight it kind of left me feeling a bit ho hum and was perfectly happy to get back into the 156. Dave