Call all sud people,
Am serarching for a guard for an 81 (last style) sud ti in good/acceptable/repairable condition. NSF but would also be willing to take a matching pair.
I would prefer in Sydney but am willing to consdier freight options.
Still lookin ... btw does anyone have experience in freighting panels interstate?
which side you after i have both side guards $80 EACH + FREIGHT LOCATED IN MELBOURE. I WILL HAVE TO FIND IT IN THE SHED.
Left side but would probably take both depending on condition.
they have the indicator close to the a pillar don't they?
Hi all still looking .. a set fell through ... Near side front is a necessity but am willing to take a pair depending upon cost
Hi, I have a brand New Old Stock passenger side front guard for a sud (side indicator hole near front headlights) - email for info and pics - located in Tas but can freight
Yeah i still need a guard but i need it for the later sud with the hole closer to the a pillar.
I actually have 2 good guard like that for my other sud.
Thanks anyway
I have 2 good ones in Brisbane off an S3 (so the whole is back near the door)
You can have them if you organise freight!
Hold that thought ..
I will look into some options!
guessing not! whip me an email if you're still keen
Still interested have sent you an email