Hey all..
I think im on the verge of doing something very stupid. Anyway, thats what this illness we are all afflicted with does to us.
Can someone outline to me everything that would need to be done to a standard.. ooooh.. say... 80s sud to be ready for CH-plate rego and the occasional sprint day?
From trofeoalfasud.com I can glean that I dont need a cage and a standard seat and belt is ok.
Please dont read into this yet, I havent done something stupid as of now, we'll see about next week though... :-X
Hi Peter, are you surprised that I'm replying?
It's a fine idea that you have, nothing stupid at all :P
First of all CH plates (well actually 'H' plates now - they've moved the 5 digit plates with an H on the end). Only cars over 25 years old qualify for club permit, so 1981 this year, 1982 next year. To get on club plates you do need a roadworthy (even if it's already registered in your name) and then you just fill out the application form, get it signed by the club secretary (that would be me) and pay $100 over the counter at vicroads. They hand you the plates on the spot and you don't need to take the car in there. You don't even have to pay the stamp duty normally associated with rego transfer.
I did this just recently for our '77 Sud and it was mostly painless, once I convinced them that I didn't have to have a letter from the club that my own signature on the form as secretary was sufficient. If they aren't sure ask them to speak to the supervisor who usually knows the score.
To run at the occasional AROCA sprint day you can get away with a minimum of mods to the car. You need:
- 1kg fire extinguisher bolted in with steel bracket (bunnings have these in stock)
- metal tyre valve caps
- an extra return spring on your throttle linkage
- plastic coating or tape over your headlights to prevent the glass falling out in an accident
Other than that you'd need a CAMS 2S license which costs about $80 (something like that). Stick on numbers and battery location stickers are available at the event.
Regular seat belts are fine, although obviously a 4 or 6 point harness is much safer, as is a proper race seat and a comprehensive roll cage, but you've got to start somewhere...
Have a read of the supplementary regulations (http://www.alfaclubvic.org.au/component/option,com_remository/Itemid,40/func,select/id,2/) for any of our events for more info.
Boxer-specificFor a boxer-engined Alfa, the most important thing that everyone repeats is you
MUST get some baffle plates welded into the steel sump. The sump is not terribly generous and the engine can have oil starvation problems under heavy braking or cornering leading to bearing failure. Baffle plates prevent all the oil from running forward under heavy braking and save your precious propulsion device.
That's not going to break the bank - PM me if you want some ideas on where to get this done...
I say go for it - nothing finer than a day out at one of Victoria's great motor racing circuits with a club full of people who are of varying degrees of seriousness. Lots of people in bog-standard cars who are having as much fun as (and sometimes scaring) people who've spent a second mortgage on developing their racecars. It's a great supportive atmosphere and loads of fun.
Are you coming along to Sandown this Sunday for a look? If so make sure you say hello at Sud #149
Attached is a pic of a slightly more extreme remedy for oil starvation - a much widened and deepened Sud sump belonging to a certain member of our club.
(oh and a pic of our Sud at Sandown last time for good measure...)
Thanks Evan.
Just a few points of clarification.
- Are you saying the 'sud sump has no baffles in it at all?? My incredulity at this fact is obviously based on my 105 ownership...
- The CAMS 2S licence, is that an ongoing licence or one of these "buy-on-the-day" single use jobbies?
- How much is a helmet?
Thanks evan, I'm considering coming down tomorrow, I'll see how I get on but it'd be nice to have a look and say hi to a few people.
I think the Sud sump as a basic plate in it, but it's not very effective especially at preventing the oil running forward under brakes. Others might correct me here - the sump in our car was altered years ago and it's been a while since I've seen the sump from a standard car.
You can actually buy a 2S license on the day, it's a twelve month license. Not sure if they do single day licenses any more.
I forgot one more point - you need to get a CAMS official's license at minimum grade 4. This is just a matter of filling out a form listing your officating experience and then sending it to CAMS no charge. If you have never done any official duties at all, then you print out an "Trainee" officials license and bring it along to the event. Help out on the day under supervision and you will be signed off. After three events you can get the full grade 4 official's license.
This process is not very arduous and is a huge help to the club as we need volunteer officials constantly, we all have to help out in event registration, scrutineering, dummy grid and general assistance. We all do this inbetween our runs on the day, it's a great way to get to know people in the club also.
Helmets. How much is your head worth? I use the motorcycle helmet that I ride in every day and that's about $350-400 worth (a few years ago). I would be very hesitant to put my head in a helmet worth less than say $250-300 (if such things exist). You might like to consider borrowing a helmet off a mate or even someone in the club might be able to help on the day as long as the helmet fits safely.
hope this helps...
If you're thinking of coming to sandown for a look, entry to the pit paddock is via gate 15. I think you have to enter from Springvale Rd on an access rd called Sandown Rd. (Rather than the main spectator entrance onramp from dandy rd).
This is easy - sell sud - buy an Alfetta or GTV6 - and - you are ready to go sprinting!
Quote from: Scott Farquharson on October 11, 2006, 02:24:29 PM
This is easy - sell sud - buy an Alfetta or GTV6 - and - you are ready to go sprinting!
poor boy has a substitution issue with piston vs penis - note to scott: more pistons doesn NOT make up for less penis ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D