Hi guys,
My 156 has done 181k on clock and I finally decide to replace its timing belt. I got a quote from an alfa dealer which is over 1000 bucks. Where is the cheapest place to replace cambelt for alfa 156 2.0 in Melbourne? Thank you!
Try Maranello Motors in Brunswick, http://www.maranellomotors.com.au (http://www.maranellomotors.com.au)
Have a look at our Club sponsors and see how you go. The cost depends on what has to be done as other isues may become apparent, adding to the total bill. Also with the higher km's certain parts need replacing.
Don't forget some sponsors give a discount with club membership.
Thank you guys. I just had a service for her in a chinese garage for only 55 dollars. I was told that besides the cambelt, my car also needs to get low ball joints and tie rod end replaced. But this garage could not be able to do these jobs. I've sent an email to Bruno. Hopefully it would be much cheaper than the previous qoute.
Does the $55 include the oil change and recycling cost?
The engine requires high grade/specification oil and the cost for that alone is about $80 (more or less). An example is Castrol Sport Racing, Selenia Oil and Martini Racing Oil to name a few.
With cheaper oil, you will damage the engine and the potential cost is in the thousands plus the effect on resale. That's guaranteed. Will the Chinese garage guarantee your engine ?
The $55 actually includes the oil change and recycling cost. When I asked them if high specification oil was needed, they told me their 5W 40 oil was fine for my car. And they did not change the oil filter since it was a long life one. I don't think there's any kinda guarantee. I'm getting worried now...
Wait 181k on the original belt?
Different people have different expectations and spending levels. That's fine.
All up our club sponsors are pretty good to us - they are specialists who know your car and how to service it. A fair cost gets great results and the advice they give is always a benefit. We promote our sponsors who support the club and its activities in time, effort and thru advertising. In making a few calls you may even find a few give further discounts to club members. That's not necessarily a hint but a fact.
Back to the oil matter - Oil consumption is a bit of an issue with Twin Sparks & JTS engines. My TS is ok (fortunate eh!) but others do use oil and it is a well known fact that not regularly checking the oil level can lead to big issues and engine damage. Check your owners manual and the specification 10w/60 ? ...
Good oil is proven to last and not be burnt up. It's real but It's a small price to pay.
Belts are changed between 50-60k kms so it should be on its third belt and depending on the wear etc, other bits in there need replacing too. And upgrades or replacements of good springs, shockers & tyres all cost money but you can feel the difference as you drive.
Quite sincerely, I would be interested to see how you go.
Quote from: AGM155 on June 17, 2009, 04:22:32 PM
Wait 181k on the original belt?
hopefully not! probably its third '60K' scheduled replacement...i hope. ;)
Quote from: AGM155 on June 17, 2009, 04:22:32 PM
Wait 181k on the original belt?
;) ...Of course not mate.It's gonna be the 3rd replacement. And I checked the mileage this morning it's actually 182.4k. Don't know how long it will last. I gotta finish my exams first.
Quote from: John Hanslow on June 17, 2009, 04:48:27 PM
Different people have different expectations and spending levels. That's fine.
John, thanks for your advice. I would have my alfa 156 well treated and serviced if I didn't have to pay the bloody tuition fee. Regarding the oil matter, I checked the oil level before recent service and it was fine. I called the mechanic who did the service and he insisted that 10w 60 oil was only for cars running in Europe. His boss then called me back and said the engine oil they use has no problem with other european cars that serviced in their garage including Fiat and Alfa.
As I was told the low ball joint and tie rod end need to be replaced as well, I got a quote from a wrecker with 600 dollars parts cost in total. Don't know if the price is good.
I think...um..I may go to Bruno's garage next week or so, have the oil and filter changed...again, and replace the cambelt and other bits.
Book your car in before the belt goes on you. Nothing like - "Should have booked it in last week " !
Quote from: desman on June 18, 2009, 11:00:28 AM
Quote from: AGM155 on June 17, 2009, 04:22:32 PM
Wait 181k on the original belt?
;) ...Of course not mate.It's gonna be the 3rd replacement. And I checked the mileage this morning it's actually 182.4k. Don't know how long it will last. I gotta finish my exams first.
Phew! I was worried for a second.
they dont exist!
I dont want to seem to be rude, but a CHINESE garage? really???
you have purchased a beautiful piece of Italian artwork..that I agree costs a mint to maintain, but has feelings and a heart. ummmm there is no way that these people looked at your car properly.
If you want a $55 service, you should have bought a Toyota.
I never changed the oil, timing belt come to think of it anything on my Toyota in 5 years.
In my 147 that I purchased new 3 and a half years ago I have have only done 40,000kms...I have have had the dealer do all the services, whatever they are change the timing belt recently.....probably cost me around $1500 per year..and like yourself tried to save some money when they told me the brakes need changing...they quoted me around $1000..I got some aftermarked pads and rotors for half the price....now they squeal like a bitch.....(Sorry Little Alfa, I will never do that to you again) So on Monday I will put some geniune pads back in...probable cost me more that what it should have )
Lesson.... You cant cut corners with Alfa.....that is it!! no ifs no buts.
I understand where you are coming from in regards to taking it to the dealer. they rip you blind!
for warranty reasons I have to when the warranty is up then I will sort something out.
ok. now to the brake squealing ......so umm how do you fit them correctly?
I have fit many sets of brakes to my other cars and never once had a problem.
the place where i bought the pads from are getting me some shims from dba ..but I called up for some genuine pads today...$200+ front only.
Ripp off.
anyone have any suggestions...I have already tried oil and wd 40 :)
Quote from: Adam DeLorenzis on July 02, 2009, 09:32:14 PM
I understand where you are coming from in regards to taking it to the dealer. they rip you blind!
for warranty reasons I have to when the warranty is up then I will sort something out.
ok. now to the brake squealing ......so umm how do you fit them correctly?
I have fit many sets of brakes to my other cars and never once had a problem.
the place where i bought the pads from are getting me some shims from dba ..but I called up for some genuine pads today...$200+ front only.
Yet another popular misconception (kept popular by the dealers of course!). Under the Trade Practices act you do NOT have to take your car to dealer servicing to retain the warranty, all that is required is that the car is serviced at the correct intervals. If you can show them receipts to demonstrate that the services have been done as scheduled, and the required items carried out (like cambelts etc) using appropriate quality parts, they haven't got a leg to stand on, and have to honour the warranty. Many of the independent specialists who sponsor this club will use genuine parts for the important things (oil filters, cambelt kits) to do the job anyway, but will charge you less for the privilege. Will still cost a little bit more than your average Billy Bob and his universal rounding tool (shifter), and the reason for that is these guys work solely on Alfas. You are paying for the benefit of their knowledge of your car and all its specific quirks and common problems, without also paying for the massive floorspace and large staff list you find in a dealership.
Link to an ACCC newsletter from 2002. Discusses this very issue on page 2. http://www.accc.gov.au/content/item.phtml?itemId=302673&nodeId=f4c746c36628371309fb0603e2e4d3bf&fn=ACCC%20consumer%20express%E2%80%94October%202002.pdf (http://www.accc.gov.au/content/item.phtml?itemId=302673&nodeId=f4c746c36628371309fb0603e2e4d3bf&fn=ACCC%20consumer%20express%E2%80%94October%202002.pdf)
kings in balarat charge $600 for a cambelt change