Alfa Romeo Owners Club of Australia Forum

Technical => 932 Series (156, GTV, Spider, 147, GT, and 166) => Topic started by: Scarlan on June 26, 2009, 08:30:30 AM

Title: Performance Chip
Post by: Scarlan on June 26, 2009, 08:30:30 AM
I was looking at the website and in the tuning section they note the Novitec chip lifts the 2.0Lt Twin Spark from 110kW to 153kW.
Has anyone made this modification to their 156 / 147?
If so; is there someone in Melbourne that supplies / installs the chip?
It sounds like a huge difference in power; would I be up for a new clutch two weeks later?
Title: Re: Performance Chip
Post by: John Hanslow on June 26, 2009, 12:58:31 PM
Monza Motors will be able to assist with that. I think they have AutoDelta too..

Have a look at our sponsors page and try out other specialists like Maranello-Pursang as well.

Title: Re: Performance Chip
Post by: mario147 on July 03, 2009, 12:50:12 PM
I'm interested too. I have seen performance chips for sale on ebay, as well as Sprint Boosters that are supposed to improve acceleration and gear changing by changing the electric signal to the ECU.

Do these things really work??

Does anyone have a similar performance chip in their car?
Title: Re: Performance Chip
Post by: Steve S on July 04, 2009, 01:36:33 AM
No, power isn't free

Title: Re: Performance Chip
Post by: shiny_car on July 04, 2009, 01:11:13 PM
Quote from: Scarlan on June 26, 2009, 08:30:30 AM
I was looking at the website and in the tuning section they note the Novitec chip lifts the 2.0Lt Twin Spark from 110kW to 153kW.

sorry, but that sounds very fanciful. there is no way to achieve that without extensive mods like full exhaust, intake, cams, fueling, etc. supercharger perhaps?!

do you have a link to that claim on

here is the Novitec website. no mention of such a mod:

Title: Re: Performance Chip
Post by: shiny_car on July 07, 2009, 08:09:38 AM
any update? link to thread?

Title: Re: Performance Chip
Post by: Scarlan on July 10, 2009, 08:00:10 AM
Hi Shiny Car,
If you look at the tuning section of the website the top table refers to Novitec modifications.
Unlike the tables below though it doesn't sound like the increase in power output is simply by a chip; no big surprise given the numbers provided.
Even more confusing looking at the Novitec website, although they do have some good looking gear!
A GTA would be the simple answer!
Title: Re: Performance Chip
Post by: John Hanslow on July 10, 2009, 01:31:46 PM
Scarlan has a good point.  A 156 Twin Spark will not handle as good as a GTA as it has all the other upgrades to match the increased performance performance etc.. like wheels, stronger driveshafts to name a few.  You get a better car and drivability as that is the way it was made.

Additionally speak to Hugh at Monza Motors and see what he says about the Novitec product he is the agent for.

Title: Re: Performance Chip
Post by: shiny_car on August 13, 2009, 01:01:38 PM
Quote from: Scarlan on July 10, 2009, 08:00:10 AM
Hi Shiny Car,
If you look at the tuning section of the website the top table refers to Novitec modifications.

cool. thanks for the added info (and sorry for the delayed reply).

i agree, a GTA would be a better choice. once you increase power so much in a TS, you'd want better brakes and suspension package, upgraded clutch, etc. then the associated headaches with insurance, resale, and likely with the reliability.

Title: Re: Performance Chip
Post by: ProvaRacing on September 06, 2009, 01:50:54 PM
On this chip business, a local company P_ _ _ _ Chip also offer 2Lt TS power upgrade from 110KW goes to 118 with 95RON fuel use or 122KW with 98RON. However at the same cost for either chip upgrade that works out at $107 per KW for the higher spec and more for the lower spec. They did originally claim dyno before after but now they don't if you want a dyno comparison (who wouldn't to test actual at wheel improvement) $290 extra!

What isn't stated is not wether but just how much higher the fuel consumption is...considering how often you will be using the top end extra horses what happens in normal driving.

This $1280ish will buy you a imported aftermarket exhaust system that will make you sound and think you're going faster...but then again this isn't a rice car site - that ausalfa is full of hoons and idiots esp the moderators :P
Title: Re: Performance Chip
Post by: Paul Gulliver on September 06, 2009, 08:03:43 PM
Prova Racing, Thats a pretty a pretty expensive chip. Maybe you ought to have a look at the Squadra chip tuning link. They have a pretty impressive international reputation.

Remember however at the end of the day without extensive internal modifications all most chips can do is advance the timing which can sometimes increase the power marginally but on the previsio that you are using premium unleaded.
Title: Re: Performance Chip
Post by: bix on April 07, 2011, 09:23:00 PM
Hey guys,
Has anyone out there installed the stage 2 Autodelta cams & ECU remap on a 2L TS motor? ( I'd be very interested on outcome.

Title: Re: Performance Chip
Post by: Steve S on May 29, 2011, 12:33:08 AM
Quote from: bix on April 07, 2011, 09:23:00 PM
Hey guys,
Has anyone out there installed the stage 2 Autodelta cams & ECU remap on a 2L TS motor? ( I'd be very interested on outcome.


Thats for a 1.6L
Title: Re: Performance Chip
Post by: bix on May 29, 2011, 08:58:41 AM
Sorry, here's the 2.0 version (
Like the other comments in this thread, I think you need to have a lot of idle money to justify these types of mods. Prices of GTA's keep going down, so there's even less justification for souping up the old TwinSpark.
Title: Re: Performance Chip
Post by: Steve S on May 29, 2011, 09:08:39 PM
Putting cams in an otherise standard engine is not usually that rewarding. They need to be used in conjunction with a static compression increase. Increasing the static compression ratio is going to make a larger difference to the torque/power the engine makes than the cams will too.