In the excitement of the last couple of weeks I totally forgot my disappointment at the presentations at Alfa Island. I cannot believe that Marco received a trophy and had the opportunity of making a speech and failed to fulfill his promise of 'can you dig it'??
Quote from: alfagtv100 (Biggus) on October 24, 2009, 09:05:39 AM
Considering the non-professional nature of the event, I think the club, backed by a great team of volunteers did an incredibly fine job.
Highlights were many and there were very few negatives considering the scale of the event and the hordes of people involved.
I only have one gripe to flag for serious debate. Despite my subtle suggestions (on numerous occasions to many members), Neil did not end each driver briefing with 3 impassioned rounds of 'Can you dig it?'
(Thanks for the link Sheldon.)
This is going to have to be rectified at the AROCA 6 hour in October. I'm going to miss the 6 hour this year being out of town - any volunteers to help ensure this is carried out?
Truth be told I did lay a 'can you dig it' but being my first time, I did not do so with the required level of gusto. Given a second chance, I believe I can muster the required enthusiasm.
Call it a 'Can you dig it fail'