Hi folks,
New here and new to Alfas. The family needs a second car, I have been looking at a few different options and I'm really keen on an Alfa. It appears to me that the 156 JTS Selespeed will be the best option for us. Selespeed because it will be mostly used by my wife and daughter neither of whom are keen on a manual car, even though a manual would no doubt bring out the best in the car. Budget about $10-15,000 I'm thinking.
So - if anybody knows of a nice, low kms 2002-2004 156 JTS I'd love to hear about it. I am also open to suggestions if there is another model to look at with a reliable auto or if the advice is dead against the Selespeed. I would like something that's reasonably economical but fun to drive (that spells Alpha doesn't it?). Don't know anything about the V6 engines but I'm all ears and here to learn.
Was one year better than another for the Sele? I can change the budget if I really have to and if it makes more sense.
I have expanded the search to include the 156 V6 and possibly the 166 model, if anyone knows of a good one for consideration.
Quote from: 156 on April 18, 2010, 09:12:57 PM
I would like something that's reasonably economical but fun to drive (that spells Alpha doesn't it?).
It most certainly does not. It spells A.L.F.A.
What was I thinking? Must brush up on my alfabet. At least I got a reply!
in the price range you are looking at and if the wife and daughter are going to do most of the driving i would look at the 166 being a full auto with plenty of grunt to it is the luxury sedan but does not have the sex appeal of the 156 and you can get a good example for 10000 which means with the other 5000 i would go buy a gtv or a gtv6 if theres one around so the girls have their shopping toy and you have ur sports machine
I like your way of thinking dehne. I'm sure once we get to experience an Alfa, I'll have the bug so something more on the fun side could be on the cards. Drove a 166 today, nice car, luxurious and solid on the road but actually a bit too quiet for me, so I think you're right. I must experience the 2.5 V6 though, apparently a nice engine.
a mate of mine chiped his 166 and it made it fully mental the power it had was unreal and a good exhaust will soon make it LOUD
I have heard tales of woe and big $ re selespeed, and also know of people who haven't had a problem (as in a fault) with them but what I haven't heard is anyone go - yep, great transmission, I'd buy one again etc... They are fairly unpleasant for trickling around (eg moving about cars in a shed/workshop etc where you would rely on the auto torque converter or a bit of work with the left foot in a manual). Its not like they do a spectacular job of shifting gear on the move. I can appreciate it may be a compromise gearbox for a car where you really want a manual but it has to be driveable by someone who can't/won't use one - but even then - make sure both/all parties are actually happy with the selespeed.
I doubt anyone here is going to outright recommend the sele simply because fault diagnosis and repair is so expensive if you do have a problem, and nobody would want to "own" that experience (much easier to say I told you so) - plus real alfa drivers drive manuals :) I'm actually with dehne on this one - the 166 is a great car for the $ and if you couldn't hear the engine:
a) Drive it harder (cheap)
b) Make it louder (exhaust)
That engine is *nice*.
Note that underneath it all the 156 and 166 are more or less the same bar bodywork and gadgets and engine and transmission - so what you are saying is you don't like the luxo kitted "stretch" 156 with a nice auto and big enginel...
One few points to consider is purchase price and repair costs.
There are lots of cheaper 166's around that have not been correctly serviced with full belt change etc. Also the issue with the leaking heater core damaging the heater/radio display screen & electronics therein. You want to see proof that this has been fixed. A club sponsor has an aftermarket fix for this - a protectivev shield over the electronic unit. Also the central locking can be an issue. Correct servicing does cost and there are professional options including/ other than the dealer network. As there are not a lot of cars around parts are a expensive. I was told that only 80 cars have been imported over the 8 years it was available and a lot seem to have the same problems.
Then again some are correctly maintained and you do get a lot of car for the money.
If the auto is the go how about the Q system in the 156.
All good points, thanks for the replies. Darryl I certainly don't dislike the 166, far from it, it's a great ride but I would like to experience the Alfa experience, that throaty, raw willingness and sensory thrill that they are legendary for. That is why I should try the 2.5L 156 as well, then make a direct comparison (I've got to find one first!) because although it will mainly be for the girls to drive, I'd like to get in it and have some fun occasionally too. I take the points about exhausts, chips etc, and dehne if I'm going to chip it, it'll definitely be after my daughter has finished using it! 8)
Thanks John, I did research the references on this forum about the leaking heater core. and I'm watching out for it and I'm definitely open to the 156 Q system.
It's quite likely I will source one from Vic or N.S.W. because there's so little available here in W.A. so I might have to come back and ask for suggestions on examinations of cars in those States as I'm just not going to buy one over the net without getting it examined, even with full service/history.
Whilst I know this is going to come down to personal preference in the end, I just need to get some input on the differences in the cars and I do greatly appreciate the feedback.
Regards, Rick.