Hey guys, before you flame ... I have had a look through the sponsors area, but there is really nothing that close to me.
I drive an Alfa 156 2.0 Twin-spark, had it two weeks and already have problems.
Am looking for somewhere decent in the western suburbs who can do a tune-up. Prefer around Sunshine or Deer Park.
Have been up to Exceltune to see if they can do the tune, which they can, but the owner started telling me all about piston's "shrinking" when they get too hot ... not really sure if I want to take my car there.
Any ideas would be great ... Thanks.
Hi, I'm in Werribee and take the car to Maranello PurSang. Moreland train station is just near there, train back to North melbourne and then change to a Werribee train. It's a bit of a pain but well worth it. They can diagnose problems just by the description often , and very reasonably proced.
We are in the process of updating our sponsors page with more usable contacts too. Servicing, lifestyle etc.
The real issue here is that you may want to get someone to service the car who knows the car, what has to be done and when - and perhaps what you may need to do next time. Like insurance, it's often a benefit you do not see.
Joe was on the money with his recommendation as many of our Sponsors are Alfa Specialists who are reasonably priced. Note some have the factory Alfa Analyser to reset selespeed computer etc ..
I do want someone who knows the car to service it, which is why I walked out of Exceltune. Not going to pay them a single dollar. As for Maranello Pursang ... Brunswick is just too far. I need to be at work, and can't really afford the time off ...
If you know any good mech's out near Sunshine ...
Sorry, don't know anyone between Werribee and Brunswick. You can always arrange to drop off the car before work at maranello and Public transport it back. It's well worth the effort.
Going to take the car to Exclusive Car Care on Sunshine Road ... had a talk to them the other day, and seemed like genuinely nice people. We had a talk and the owner/mechanic told me that he had never worked on an alfa before, but was more than willing to give it a go ... lol. Anyways, he also gave me a lot of ideas of things to look out for whilst I was doing compression test, timing and what-not over the weekend, so it seemed that he's not just about the money, but there to help anyone he can. Will take the car there this arvo for another chat and to book it in, and will let you guys know how he goes.
Basic problem rundown with the car so far ... under 3,000rpm there is an awful rattling sound, but smooths out with higher revs. Timing is spot on, but cylinder 4 has lost ~40psi compression. Not sure if it's going to be valves or piston ring, but hopefully not too bad.
I have my rosary beads out and have already said one set of hail mary's and a few our fathers for you. You have an alfa with problems and your taking to someone who has never worked on one before?...Good luck...
If your serious about your car, and take the car to Maranello Pursang who would be he closest to u or someone who knows what they are looking at!
But then again..maybe its better that you learn from your mistakes.
As a mechanic I do most of my own work and when I need something done I go from Bonbeach, between Chelsea and Carrum, all the way to see Bruno at Maranello/Pursang. I have tried others but he is worth the trip. What it cost me in time I saved in money compared to others I used to use. Don't forget that Bruno and Mary put a lot of time and effort into the club, and I am happy to go the extra mile to support them as they do for all of us, just look at the photos of our club events and see for yourself.
Just my two cents.
I agree. Despite convenience of a local garage, you save time and money overall by having a European car i.e. an Alfa serviced by some one who understands the car.