Hi everybody,
I'm located near melbourne and have this set of matched weberd 40dcoe 138 and 1389 carbies. I am not an alfa person myself, but have been told they were used in giullietas from the 80's and potentially other alfas too. I'm sure they'd be good for a variety of alfas with similar engines anyway. You guys would know more about this than I would.
Basically, I got these carbs along with my standard dcoe40s and do not need them. They are good carbies and just need a little work to bring them back to life!
The bodies of the carbs are in decent condition. They will just need a basic rebuild kit, ie. gaskets. The throttle shaft bearings will need at least a good clean and re-greasing, plus new end caps. In the very worst case scenario, one of the carbies may need new bearings but you'd wanna replace both anyway if you were goign to do this. My feeling is with a good clean they'd be serviceable for some time longer - the bearings DO NOT crunch or grind, they are just sticky, and I believe there is gunge sticking between the butterfly (should adjust butterflies) and bore too so prolly not that bad a problem - mainly need a good clean!! All these things would not be that expensive really. Rebuild kits in the range of 20-30 dollars per carb, end caps in the range of 10 - 20 dollars per carb, bearings in the range of 20 - 30 dollars per carb if even needed. The throttle shafts themselves seem okay but the threaded ends are borderline, so you may want to replace these also or maybe not. The threads are okay but you could easily clean them up with a die. I believe they would still be serviceable, but if you are going for a mint condition rebuild, then yes these would want to be replaced too. Carbies do not include main jet stacks but DO include the main jet holders. If you want I can throw in some F11 emulsion tubes but these may not even be appropriate for your engines - i dont know...
So that is all the bad points I can think of. The body is great. All the threads in the body is great. No stripped jets or torn screw heads or anything like that. They have a lovely vintage patina over the cast aluminium. Would be great carbies once given a rebuild and a clean.
I am asking US$300 and will consider any offers.
I am located around Melbourne but will post anywhere at buyers expense. I have had a few expressions of interest already so be fast if you want these. If a few people go for it I may have to see who offers more; but primarily I just want to sell them quickly to recoup what I spent on my other set of carbies (im a poor university student) so if you are fast they are yours.
Please contact me via private message then I will email you or call you. I will still check the forum too. Any qusestions just ask - or fror more photos. In the photos the cover bolts are out cos I had them open. Also they do come with main jet holders but not in the photo.
I forgot to say - the brass floats look shiny like they have been replaced relatively recently in the history of these carbs. They look quite new in fact.
I got these of my friend who pulled them from a gullietta that had been parked for a while. Only one of the carbs has a sticky throttle - the other one actually isn't bad. I still think it is a combination of dirty butterfly/bore/bearings, as well as maybe need for a slight butterfly adjustment. No big deal, but I obviously don't have time to fix them up before I sell them.
Anybody is free to come and inspect them too, by the way. Just contact me :)
EDIT: I am also including the red air filters you see, and the aluminum velocity stacks (ram tubes) in the sale. The velocity stacks can be seen top right of the first pic. With the internals - everything is included except for the main jet stacks as I said, but the main jet holders ARE included. Also I can possibly throw in f11 emulsion tubes if you want.