Hello Alfa owners and enthusiasts,
Having a small problem with my 147 2002 selespeed,
It seems to bunnyhop when driven for the first few minutes in the morning,and then after that period it runs fine without a hitch,
am thinking of getting it checked,when i called the afla service center in geelong,they said they wud charge me abt 135$ for the check,so was wondering if one of you cud help me zero in on the problem.
am thinking maybe getting the selespeed reset wud solve the problem,what do you think?
From past threads, it's the soleniod that needs replacing cost $350 odd from an Alfa specialist or a bit more from a Dealer workshop. But it is still good to get a check the system so that you know what may need doing in the future.
But perhaps you need it reset and have that done if necessary with your next service. The Alfa factory analyser sorts all of that out.
Thanx John,
Had been to Pursang in Brunswick who checked the ecu for error codes,solenoids and the actuator itself.
He said there was nuthing wrong with any of those things.He suggested it may be the clutch.However he didnt reset the ecu though.dunno why.anyways i will be going to Lance dixon next week to get my key recoded and reprogrammed,will ask the guys there if they could reset my ECU.
Will post the results,
Thanx again,
u do not 'reset' the SS unit, u set the clutch rod length and recalibrate the system...
in fact that should be done annually, so if yours is due, do it...
but this can be a few things...
1. worn clutch
2. SS clutch position sensor
3. throttle body/MAF believe it or not
4. early signs of pressure failure (accumulator or pump)....
go for the clutch set and recal first, as you should do that anyway, nest guess would be clutch posi sensor, esp if on examiner it gives a crazy number for the rod length
good luck.