Alfa Romeo Owners Club of Australia Forum

General Category => Buy/Swap/Sell [Announce ONLY] => Topic started by: Daryl Susigan on August 23, 2010, 07:51:36 PM

Title: WANTED: Alfa Romeo 17 inch rims, 147/156
Post by: Daryl Susigan on August 23, 2010, 07:51:36 PM
Hi there,

i'm after some information on where i can get a set of 4 of these particular rims, in size 17inch x 7. they seem literally impossible to find, i've scoured every auction site possible to find my self a set in 17inches and they just don't seem to exist.
The link provided shows the exact rims i'm after (brian foley automotive seem to have them but they won't respond to countless requists for more information) so i was wondering if fellow alfa fans new where i could get a set or potentially have a set they're sitting on and wanting to sell.

The top picture is the one i'm after (Part # 5901240).

Any help would be much appreciated,


Title: Re: WANTED: Alfa Romeo 17 inch rims, 147/156
Post by: dehne on August 23, 2010, 08:31:10 PM
thats because they are like rocking horse shlt to find, I think i have only ever seen 1 set for sale but i also think they were really 16's cannot remember, as this style in 16inch are everywhere
Title: Re: WANTED: Alfa Romeo 17 inch rims, 147/156
Post by: 116gtv on August 23, 2010, 10:05:32 PM
They are 17" selespeed wheels and were a rare option, occasionally found on 156s. If I was you then I'd look at other,more common options, or the 16"x6.5 version..
Title: Re: WANTED: Alfa Romeo 17 inch rims, 147/156
Post by: Neil Choi on August 23, 2010, 11:40:51 PM

This might not help you, as other have said already.  I have a set of 16" Selespeed and a set of 147 wheels available, in good to very good condition.

Also a set of brand new (never fitted to car) 17" 15 spoke as in catalogue, 5901396 but in white.  Not really sure on selling as this was meant for my 156.

But considering liquidating to fund an expensive project.

All no caps.

I know this does not help you.

Contact me if you need information or details.


Title: Re: WANTED: Alfa Romeo 17 inch rims, 147/156
Post by: John Hanslow on August 24, 2010, 07:28:50 AM
Ok, we have a few sponsors who are parts suppliers in Victoria.

Monza Motors and the Italian job for starters. Always good for a start and highly recommended.

Alternatively there are other places that I may go to and do not often refer to, like Milano wreckers as a last resort.

Milli Milglia (excuse spelling) in the norther suburbs have new wheel all boxed up ready for sale - seem a good range.

Title: Re: WANTED: Alfa Romeo 17 inch rims, 147/156
Post by: Daryl Susigan on August 25, 2010, 12:37:56 PM
Thanks so much guys,

Dehne: "Like rocking horse shit to find" sums up my dillemma pretty well, Thanks for your umm.... valued input....Dehne

116gtv: Thanks for the information on their origin, i've been wondering why they're so hard to find, and it's nice to now have information on why. The 16 x 6.5 really don't interest me as im looking to "stand out then blend in" so to speak (i am 18 after all, it's only natural), and it would be nice to have something no-one esle has but everyone wants, however, at some stage, i may have to give in. (and i'd rather not go outside the Alfa Marque)

Neil: Thanks for suggesting alternatives Neil but not quite on the mark, 16's just don't quite do it for me,  the 17's sound good, but not in white unfortuantely, maybe you'll just have to strap em' to that 156 after all.

John Hanslow: Many thanks for all the places to try John, much appreciated, i'll have to give them a go and hopefuly have some more luck.
Title: Re: WANTED: Alfa Romeo 17 inch rims, 147/156
Post by: JOHN G on August 25, 2010, 02:05:49 PM

"I have the Rocking Horse Shit" ;D

I have a set of brand new (never fitted to car) SPEEDLINE 17 x 7, 15 spoke as in catalogue, 5901396 in the boxes.

I was not intending on selling but as they say everything is for sale for the right price!

Make me a serious offer and I will part with them. ;)

One more option I have the ALFA TOORA rims 17 x 7, 16 spoke used but like new condition.

Looking at my records I actually bought the 15 spoke SPEEDLINE rims from Martin a few years back.

Title: Re: WANTED: Alfa Romeo 17 inch rims, 147/156
Post by: ALFA156DALE on August 25, 2010, 06:57:06 PM
Hi John i have sent you a PM about wheels,
I will give Daryl first choice if he wants them though,
since he started this subject.
Title: Re: WANTED: Alfa Romeo 17 inch rims, 147/156
Post by: Daryl Susigan on August 25, 2010, 08:22:55 PM
Thanks John G,

They're not quite the ones im after at the moment, despite being the right size, im keen on either the style i first mentioned or something very similar, but not quite the ones you are offering. Thanks anyway.

Alfa156Dale: I very much appreciated you giving me the option first, however, seeing as they're not quite what im looking for, they're all yours.

Many thanks guys.

Title: Re: WANTED: Alfa Romeo 17 inch rims, 147/156
Post by: L4OMEO on August 26, 2010, 10:28:12 AM
Hi JohnG, welcome back.

Do you have any pics of the Toora-style rims? If not your own ones then any pic showing the style would be great.

Thanks mate
Title: Re: WANTED: Alfa Romeo 17 inch rims, 147/156
Post by: JOHN G on August 26, 2010, 05:29:32 PM
Hi Guys

Pics of rims

6.5J x 16 H2 ET 30.5 SPEEDLINE


7J X 17 H2 ET 40.5 SPEEDLINE  15 SPOKE



Title: Re: WANTED: Alfa Romeo 17 inch rims, 147/156
Post by: ALFA156DALE on August 26, 2010, 06:20:08 PM
Hi John,
          How much do you want for the sets of wheels?
$100, $200  :D

Title: Re: WANTED: Alfa Romeo 17 inch rims, 147/156
Post by: L4OMEO on August 27, 2010, 06:57:02 AM
Thanks for posting the pics John,

I floated the idea of buying a set of rims for the car past my wife last night, got a confused look along with the response "..... but it's already got wheels!"


The negotiations could take a while. If it goes well I'll be back in touch, but don't stay up waiting.

Title: Re: WANTED: Alfa Romeo 17 inch rims, 147/156
Post by: John Hanslow on August 27, 2010, 07:18:36 AM
The second lot look like JTS TI wheels and the 3rd lot look like my TS Monza Sport Wheels.

Good thread for future reference.