Hi All
I had this problem with my gears, i was driving in 5th gear and all the sudden it change into N( in city mode). Stop the car and i couldn't changed a gears at all either in city mode or manual mode. Turn the car off and start again, put into 1st gear and accelerate the car a bit jumpy and all the sudden the car stopped and selespeed error light came up. Turn the car off for a few minutes and try to turn it back on again, no problem at all after that.
Is anyone have a similar problem with this kind of error?
Does anyone know where is the best mechanic to fault a selespeed errors? probably the one that not too far from Lalor(Vic) because i am not happy with my current alfa mechanic.
I have been reading a lot about selespeed problems through the internet and i have a few question regarding a selespeed.
1. Will faulty ECU causing a selespeed problem?
2. Is that true if your battery below 12v will cause a selespeed problem too?
FYI i had my clutch done on 130kms service.
Another thing before it come to a complete stop, the gears will change down slowly. But once i was in complete stop and the gear obviously on 1st gear. Sometime the car was hoping and after that i will lost power when i put my foot down on the accelerator pedal.(selespeed warning came up)
Thanks in advance
rarely ecu error
yes, battery is important, but easy to check.. charge it overnight...
this seems to me to be likely loss of pressure.. these are simple checks... first need to throw her up on examiner (or diag) and see what she says... check pump and fluid...
cool any recommendation mechanic mate
where are you located is the first part as there are comps scattered around vic and melb