Does anyone have an ignition module for an 85 GTV6 for sale
The car has a high rev miss above 4000 rpm it is similar to hitting the rev limiter
the engine backfires and pops and the tacho needle drops. As soon as I change gear and lower the revs the engine responds as it should untill I reach 4000 rpm and it starts miss-firing again.
I have swapped the coil, leads, plugs, and computer but the problem persists.
Any help or suggestions would be appreciated
i assume it would be the same as the 90 if so i will have one
Have you checked that the rev limiter is ok? It's only a spring in the distributor cap.
Hi aggie57
Yes have replaced it with a 75 rotor with no spring
Hi Dehne
Thanks for the reply the 90 and 75's have a different system CDI
The GTV has a "hall effect" distributor and a different module to suite that system
I once had a problem with the bosch ignition amplifier/module on my gtv6. I simply drilled the case open and retouched all the solder joints and its worked fine ever since.
Problem fixed with a can of curcuit board cleaner