Alfa Romeo Owners Club of Australia Forum

General Category => Buy/Swap/Sell [Announce ONLY] => Topic started by: dehne on September 22, 2010, 11:02:28 PM

Title: F/S alfa 90 door and rear glass
Post by: dehne on September 22, 2010, 11:02:28 PM
hi guys im going to put perspex into the doors and rear window of the race car there for i do not need the glass and more so i thought i would sell it of if anyone needs it let me know, im not in a hurry to off load it as its still in it now there is no cracks or chips in it and the rear even come with my name and aust flag stickers on it (gotta be worth more than any actors autograph) hope for around 140-170 for them that will pay for the perspex, but offers are fine
Title: Re: F/S alfa 90 door and rear glass
Post by: dehne on September 22, 2010, 11:03:44 PM
also the power window motors to and cables (the drivers side cable has been cut)