My 159 Diesel's first servicing is due.
How much will it cost, if I get it serviced at the dealer?
And will it be better than taking it to a local mechanic?
I'm scared if they will charge me a fortune..
If the local mechanic uses the incorrect oil, then you risk damaging the engine.
Good oil (and knowledge) does cost money and if you can not get the car serviced correctly, you may as well sell it.
Any European car or performance car of sorts costs money to service.
I recommend going to an Alfa Specialist in your state as they are cheaper. If Vic refer our sponsors page top right hand side of home page.
Thanks. Can you recommend one in Sydney?
Can I get a couple?
Also how much cheaper actually is it?
For Sydney, some NSW Alfisti should comment on this. Perhaps contact NSW Club and give then a call to find out the places and the savings.
Club links on right hand side of home page.