Picked up a nice black 2004 147 5 door 2.0 today. Very nice and cushy tan leather seats.
First time Alfa owner. As Top Gear says, apparently now I'm a "true car guy".
Welcome to the tribe!
Manual or Selespeed?
Make sure from now on to do the 'Alfa wave' at other Alfas. You won't get any response from people driving Alfa's newer than 1999, but it's satisfying nonetheless.
Do consider joining the Alfa club in your state - you might be interested in some of the organised drives, technical nights, or even motorsport in your Alfa. You can find out more by following the links at http://www.alfaclub.org.au/membership.
More 147s in the club. ;D
Quote from: Evan Bottcher on February 01, 2011, 09:12:00 PM
Make sure from now on to do the 'Alfa wave' at other Alfas. You won't get any response from people driving Alfa's newer than 1999, but it's satisfying nonetheless.
not true... i'm driving a facelift 156 and i flash older alfas like a mad man... u should see the look of surprise then delight on some faces :)
but u can kinda tell my car.... alfa red - manual v6.... enthusiast's choice rather than the hairdresser's ::)
More 147's, fantastic. Comfy seats, good aircon and style to match where ever you may drive.
Welcome to Alfa Ownership.
Welcome kenigma, coming up in the next few months in Victoria we are having a Technical night for the 932 series cars, but be very carefull about waving to other Alfa's, 25 years ago it was ok, because we all knew what it was about, but now Alfa drivers new to the Marque don't get it, i used to wave to a 156 driver in my area, and i think she thought i was trying to pick her up and she usually responded with one beer thanks, Colin.