For sale - 1984 Red Alfetta Sedan
Strong/reliable 2 litre, which drives well with good paint. It's been a great first car, and could be again.
Current lady owner, previous owner also female = not thrashed.
Small dent on front passenger door, otherwise excellent condition.
Enquires call Vin 03 9844 0147
Hi Brad
Any Pics yet?
No stress :)
Quote from: pep105 on February 15, 2011, 02:03:47 PM
Any Pics yet?
Sorry Pep, the photographer forgot to capture the greatness of this Alfetta over last weekend. I've been assured it will be done this weekend. Cheers, Brad
PS: Click "notify" below, to get an email when the pics are up.
Thanks Brad no worries
Yes it does sound beasty love the fettas
Quote from: Brad Marshall on February 15, 2011, 07:02:47 PM
PS: Click "notify" below, to get an email when the pics are up.
Hey you learn something new everyday! - Thanks
Love pics to...
Cheers , Drew
Before we get the pics can you confirm what sort of alfetta it is? Sportiva, GCL etc. Does it have quad or single headlights?
Hi Brad,
Could you please send me some pics and where is the car located in Melb ?
Thanks Phil
Photo's posted ...
More photo's posted ...
Hey the car looks good. Whereabouts are you located in Melbourne for a viewing.
Car is located in Kew.
Hi Brad
Sent you a PM
Sold, pending handover to it's new good home.
if for somewhatever reasons this doesn't go through - please contact me!
Definitely Sold, we saw it drive off in good hands today ... there was a tear shed.