At the Victorian club meet i heard a rumor that there was going to be a Technical Garage Visit to a major Alfa Romeo Specialist, anyone heard anything?
Hi Colin,
Yes, the rumour is true, I am sure John will post a notice shortly. i think it is going to be at Maranello's on a Friday night which is a bummer as I can't attend but my 156 will be.
That would be really good, as Bruno at Marranello knows his Alfas.
cool. i'll def be there! 8)
I heard that there is going to be an announcement on February the 24th, stay tuned.
Re 932 Technical workshop night, this event will take place at Marranello Motors on Friday May 27th, 7pm start until we run out of questions to ask Bruno, most likely 10pm, bookings essential, more details to follow, Colin.
Thanks for that Colin. Really looking forward to that one.
Looking forward to checking out a few cars and common problems, upgrades etc.
For me, just need some info on suspension option and upgrades as per recent threads and posts, but it is beneficial to see the goods in the flesh.
The 932 Technical night address is Maranello Pur Sang Motors, 33 Colebrook Street, Brunswick, Melways map29 grid G-5, stay tuned for more details, Colin.
Bookings for the Alfa Romeo 932 series Technical workshop night will open later this week, watch this place for who to contact, Colin.
For the 932 Technical Workshop night at Maranello Pur Sang Motors, please book by emailing or phone 0407 090 826, BUT please include a question you want to ask, so we can cater to what you want to see on the night, Colin.
Thanks colcol. I'll let Dr Tool know that I'm interested in knowing how to replace my wishbones including using the Powerflex PU bushings (with minimal effort), and what are the considerations/stages in souping up the old t-spark.
just sent thru my booking!
Suspension mods seem a popular topic for discussion for the 932 technical workshop night at Maranello Pur Sang Motors, keep the questions coming!, Colin.
I would like to attend the 932 Technical workshop night at Maranello Pur Sang Motors, but i don't have a 932 car, mine says 156 on the bootlid, whats the story with 932 cars, they sound like some sort of Porsche, - dazed and confused.
haha, did you get into the alcohol cabinet col?
in case u were being serious.... 932 refers to the internal designation at alfa/fiat tipo-932..... the contemporaneous gtvs/spiders were tipo 916 which distinguishes them from the tipo-116 era gtvs (and 6s)... and the bertone era tipo 105/115 gtvs etc
Ok, so the 932 refers to the series number not the model number, so will i be allowed to come along to the 932 Technical workshop night at Maranello Pur Sang Motors on Friday 27th May?, because i have just found a problem with the car, i found under the bonnet, the compliance plate with 932 series and 156 model number, but then it says that this 4 door sedan complies with all the following design rules, but i can only find TWO door handles on my car, what am i to do now?
its ok mate...
just go here, they'll look after you:
Some details now - all to be confirmed.
Date: Friday 27th May 2011.
Time: BBQ Start 7.00 pm
Location: Maranello Pur-Sang Motors, 33 Colebrook Street, Brunswick.
Melways: Map 29 G-5
Maranello Purs-Sang Motors will be open from 6.30 pm for members. BBQ & refreshment provided. We look forward to providing on the night:
• A range of 932 Series cars on display
• Open forum with discussion & advice on vehicle service and enhancement
• Get the facts on cam belt change, selespeed operation and repairs.
• Product display of performance parts including Koni, Martini Oils & Dunlop.
• Pre-purchase guide and introduction to this series.
• Raffle
We will have an opportunity to view a range of 932 series cars that will be on display. Information will be available on a range of parts, accessories, open forum and display of a few models of this popular modern series.
Maranello Purs-Sang Motors have had a long association with the Club and is respected sponsor. Bruno and Giancarlo will be our host and their business will be exclusively open for our membership. Any other individuals who are interested in coming on the night are encouraged to join as new members always welcome.
Please book (provide name, member no.) early as numbers are limited:
Colin Thomas
Register Captain 932 Series.
MB: 0407 090 826,
Note: details may be subject to change.
Bookings for the Technical Workshop night at Maranello Pur Sang Motors on Friday 27th are now over half full, to book, phone 0407 090 826 or email , Colin.
If you want to go book now, or you will miss out, as of last night only 10 spots left.
Hello all you 147,156,166,spider and GTV owners, only FOUR weeks to go until the 932 Technical Workshop night at Marannello Pur Sang Motors, only 10 spots left, to book email or phone 0407 090 826, Colin.
Booking now full for the 932 Technical Workshop night at Maranello Pursang Motors, if you wish, i can put you on the reserve list if anyone cancels, contact Colin on 0407 090 826 or email , thanks for the great response, i will organise another one next year, Colin.
dr tool. Did you want me to bring some shiny new wishbones for anyone to gawk over?
I've got some other kit like f&r strut bars, Eibach anti-roll kit and Brembo big brake kit yet to go on the car if anyone wants a look-see.
Yeah sure, perving on bits of car is almost as good as perving on a 156, show me yours and i will show you mine, i'll bring a water pump and some tensioners and timing belts, tell me Mr Bix, what sort of 932 vehicle do you have?, i have a 2002 JTS manual, Colin.
The old trusty 2.0 TwinSpark. Is that a TS in your pocket, or are you just happy to be at the Technical Workshop night?
I read once that there was a club in England, [where else], that their particular interest was car parts, and at each meeting you would bring along a carby or alternator or whatever so the other members could check it out, don't know if their was a similar club in Australia, would be better if they all found girlfreinds, Colin.
If anyone who is booked into the technical workshop night at Maranello Pur Sang Motors cannot make it, could you please let me know as i have some members on a reserve list, thanks for your interest, Colin.