Hi all,
I am new to ownership of an Alfa Romeo, having just purchased a 156 JTS Ti.
I wasn't looking for an Alfa to begin with, but when I came across the 156 I realised it was exactly what I was looking for!
This is it during mid detail on the weekend:
Hoping to pick all your brains over the next couple of years :p
Congrats on the purchase.
Just ensure you get it check out or serviced by an Alfa specialist. YOu will save money in the long run and ensure a rewarding drive.
Hope you enjoy the new acquistion ... may we ask wherabouts you live .. looks like a nsw number plate? :)
Hey prettyboyalfetta, indeed do I live in NSW, just near Wollongong.
Thanks John, actually it would be great if I could get recommendations for Alfa specialists around Wollongong/Sydney who service at reasonable prices :)
As you will see this forum is hosted by our aroca friends in Victoria and they do a fantastic job at it.
You will see that there are tabs to the various states however most postings seem to go through the main board.
You may like to check out the aroca nsw website which will give you all current details and indeed the opportunity to join fellow alfisti.
The link is: www.alfaclubnsw.org.au
In terms of servicing, you will find a list of those that support the club on the website - many of whom are members of the club.
Unfortunately none of the supporting outlets are located in Wollongong - however authorised Alfa dealer is Corban Automotive.
Hope to see your membership application come through soon ....
FYI ... next 2 events are a movie night (Senna) in a couple of weeks and the Concorso in September
Welcome to Alfa ownership kartracer, 156, great car! and thats not because i have one, the JTS has direct injection, which is different to the twin sparks, but the engines are similar, the big thing on these is to use 10-60 full synthetic racing oil, of your favourite brand AND keep it topped up, check it once a week, if you let it drop down below min, when the oil light comes on, you have most likely damaged your engine, and the cam belts have to be changed every 50k or 3 years under harsh conditions, this is a specialist Alfa Romeo job, as they need cam locks to change the belts, not a job for a general workshop, but like me you will be amazed at the fuel economy these get, i actually got 827 kls out of a tank of petrol, amazing, enjoy the Alfa Romeo experience, Colin.
God damn Alfa Red is soooo sexy....
This may sound a bit silly, but that photo is a great angle that really shows off the handsome front of the Guigario facelift, sometimes facelifts spoil the original concept but this just added another aspect, Colin.